Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1956 Sept 20 W.C.T.U. Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Harlan Inman - with Pres Mrs. Harvey Mikel presiding, there were 12 present - Devotions in charge of Mrs. Emery Alexander, followed by salute to flags. The program was in charge of Mrs. DeLong and Mrs. Beattie; one chapter of the Christian Case for Abstinence was read by Mrs. Mikel, followed by business meeting. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Our Pres and Vice Pres attended State convention, to be reported at Oct meeting. Mrs. McBlain to be in charge. Cards to be sent to Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. M. Foster, Edythe Lynch, and Martha Hall. Mrs McBlain reported one new member - Mrs. John Barr of R#2 Grinnell, Ia. Arrangements for Family Night to be held in October. Meeting adjourned with [Cearonic?] Benediction. Note decided to hold meetings at 2 o'clock during school year. Grace L Foster. Sec. of W.C.T.U. October. 16.'56 [clipping] WCTU Family Night Held At Presbyterian Church The annual WCTU Family night was observed at the Presbyterian Church Tuesday, October 16, with a co-operative dinner at 7:00 p.m. Special music was furnished for the evening program by Rev. and Mrs. Brownlee of the Seridan church, the Junior Choir and the primary group of the Northside Friends church. Delegates to the State WCTU Convention reported to the group on the convention held in Cedar Falls in September. Mrs. A. W. McBlain gave an interesting talk about candidates in the coming election, after which slides were shown on the essentials of a Christian citizen. Rev. A. W. McBlain pronounced the benediction at the close of the meeting. [end clipping] October Meeting. The fellowship and program which followed was enjoyed. New members included Mrs. Al Wilson Mrs. Valentine Krumm Mrs. Herb Wyss Mrs. Chas. Taylor Mrs. Mildred Jones Nov 20.56 The Monthly W.C.T.U. Meeting was held at Mrs. Geo. Renaud, at 931 Elm St. Our vice-president Miss Eloise Kiester presided. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Foster - the theme of program - "Let us thank God" - Songs - Count your Blessings - and Onward Christian Soldiers were sang followed by Scripture and Lords Prayer - Roll call was answered by "Why I am thankful"? Mrs. Allen was in charge of program assisted by Mrs. Whitely and Mrs Hagenlock; the business session followed; after adjournment - a silent auction was held netting the W.C.T.U. a tidy sum. Note. Miss Kiester read a chapter from "Christian Case for Abstinence. The December meeting to be held at Mrs. G. C. Jones. Mrs. Grace Foster Sec of W.C.T.U.
1956 Sept 20 W.C.T.U. Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Harlan Inman - with Pres Mrs. Harvey Mikel presiding, there were 12 present - Devotions in charge of Mrs. Emery Alexander, followed by salute to flags. The program was in charge of Mrs. DeLong and Mrs. Beattie; one chapter of the Christian Case for Abstinence was read by Mrs. Mikel, followed by business meeting. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Our Pres and Vice Pres attended State convention, to be reported at Oct meeting. Mrs. McBlain to be in charge. Cards to be sent to Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. M. Foster, Edythe Lynch, and Martha Hall. Mrs McBlain reported one new member - Mrs. John Barr of R#2 Grinnell, Ia. Arrangements for Family Night to be held in October. Meeting adjourned with [Cearonic?] Benediction. Note decided to hold meetings at 2 o'clock during school year. Grace L Foster. Sec. of W.C.T.U. October. 16.'56 [clipping] WCTU Family Night Held At Presbyterian Church The annual WCTU Family night was observed at the Presbyterian Church Tuesday, October 16, with a co-operative dinner at 7:00 p.m. Special music was furnished for the evening program by Rev. and Mrs. Brownlee of the Seridan church, the Junior Choir and the primary group of the Northside Friends church. Delegates to the State WCTU Convention reported to the group on the convention held in Cedar Falls in September. Mrs. A. W. McBlain gave an interesting talk about candidates in the coming election, after which slides were shown on the essentials of a Christian citizen. Rev. A. W. McBlain pronounced the benediction at the close of the meeting. [end clipping] October Meeting. The fellowship and program which followed was enjoyed. New members included Mrs. Al Wilson Mrs. Valentine Krumm Mrs. Herb Wyss Mrs. Chas. Taylor Mrs. Mildred Jones Nov 20.56 The Monthly W.C.T.U. Meeting was held at Mrs. Geo. Renaud, at 931 Elm St. Our vice-president Miss Eloise Kiester presided. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Foster - the theme of program - "Let us thank God" - Songs - Count your Blessings - and Onward Christian Soldiers were sang followed by Scripture and Lords Prayer - Roll call was answered by "Why I am thankful"? Mrs. Allen was in charge of program assisted by Mrs. Whitely and Mrs Hagenlock; the business session followed; after adjournment - a silent auction was held netting the W.C.T.U. a tidy sum. Note. Miss Kiester read a chapter from "Christian Case for Abstinence. The December meeting to be held at Mrs. G. C. Jones. Mrs. Grace Foster Sec of W.C.T.U.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries