Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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1958 Jan 21 Report And Program At WCTU Tuesday Meeting Mrs. Rose Martz was hostess at a meeting of the WCTU which was held Tuesday afternoon. Miss Eloise Keister, president, conducted the business meeting, during which reports were heard from local members who attended a recent State Liquor Commission meeting in Des Moines. Mrs. Charles Whitely led with a devotional program, and used as her text, "The Way of Holiness," found in Isaiah 35. Miss Keister's talk on how the temperance cause could be furthered, included member participation with articles and suggestions. Fourteen members and one guest enjoyed the afternoon. One new member has been added to the unit recently. The W.C.T.U Meeting was held with Mrs. Rose Martz. fourteen members were present, one guest. Leader - Miss Kiester Devotions - Mrs Whitely Text - The Way of Holiness" Isaiah 35 - The theme - Try to remove the temptations of our youth Sentence Prayers Program followed - Business Meeting Minutes of last meeting read and approved State Liquor Control report by Mrs Allen, who attended as delegate to Meeting of Liquor Board Control in Des Moines, along with Mrs. Pepoon and several of our ministerial group. The reports were encouraging but we must all keep on with the work no time to quit now. One new member Mrs. Eva Reedy - Adjournment Mrs. Grace L. Foster Sec No report for Feb 18 '58 - the Secy on trip to Florida March 18 '58 - "Honorary Members" Mrs. Lela Adams - hostess - 625 Spring St A delightful evening for all present April 15 '58 Mrs. Eva Pepoon hostess, but was changed to Mrs. Howard Sage 18 present. Mrs. Marie Hull and Mrs Vincent Hotchkin became members an interesting meeting with Mrs Mikel giving devotions. Mrs. Arnold Seuenberger - leader - Treasurer reported $31.90. May 20, 1958 The Grinnell W.C.T.U. met May 20 '58 at the home of Mrs. Leo Gregson. Our president called meeting to order - we repeated the pledges to the American, Christian and Temperance flags. Lela Adams had charge of devotions. She read from the "champion" about - "Jesus the Light of the World" and all sang Let the lower Lights be burning." Mrs. Adams read a poem entitled "Mother Love" she then presented a lily of the valley bouquet to Mrs. A.W. McBlain the oldest Mother and corsages to Mrs Mikel and Mrs. Parish mother of six children.
1958 Jan 21 Report And Program At WCTU Tuesday Meeting Mrs. Rose Martz was hostess at a meeting of the WCTU which was held Tuesday afternoon. Miss Eloise Keister, president, conducted the business meeting, during which reports were heard from local members who attended a recent State Liquor Commission meeting in Des Moines. Mrs. Charles Whitely led with a devotional program, and used as her text, "The Way of Holiness," found in Isaiah 35. Miss Keister's talk on how the temperance cause could be furthered, included member participation with articles and suggestions. Fourteen members and one guest enjoyed the afternoon. One new member has been added to the unit recently. The W.C.T.U Meeting was held with Mrs. Rose Martz. fourteen members were present, one guest. Leader - Miss Kiester Devotions - Mrs Whitely Text - The Way of Holiness" Isaiah 35 - The theme - Try to remove the temptations of our youth Sentence Prayers Program followed - Business Meeting Minutes of last meeting read and approved State Liquor Control report by Mrs Allen, who attended as delegate to Meeting of Liquor Board Control in Des Moines, along with Mrs. Pepoon and several of our ministerial group. The reports were encouraging but we must all keep on with the work no time to quit now. One new member Mrs. Eva Reedy - Adjournment Mrs. Grace L. Foster Sec No report for Feb 18 '58 - the Secy on trip to Florida March 18 '58 - "Honorary Members" Mrs. Lela Adams - hostess - 625 Spring St A delightful evening for all present April 15 '58 Mrs. Eva Pepoon hostess, but was changed to Mrs. Howard Sage 18 present. Mrs. Marie Hull and Mrs Vincent Hotchkin became members an interesting meeting with Mrs Mikel giving devotions. Mrs. Arnold Seuenberger - leader - Treasurer reported $31.90. May 20, 1958 The Grinnell W.C.T.U. met May 20 '58 at the home of Mrs. Leo Gregson. Our president called meeting to order - we repeated the pledges to the American, Christian and Temperance flags. Lela Adams had charge of devotions. She read from the "champion" about - "Jesus the Light of the World" and all sang Let the lower Lights be burning." Mrs. Adams read a poem entitled "Mother Love" she then presented a lily of the valley bouquet to Mrs. A.W. McBlain the oldest Mother and corsages to Mrs Mikel and Mrs. Parish mother of six children.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries