Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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Mayflower Home Petition is Latest Protest Against Liquor Store Here A group of Mayflower Home residents is circulating a petition protesting the proposed establishment of a state liquor store in Grinnell. By Friday morning the petition had been signed by 104 persons, including 63 members of Mayflower Home. Petition backers said they had not decided whether to continue the drive for more signers before submitting the petition to the State Liquor Commission. The commission announced its plans to establish a Grinnell store on Oct. 26, and set a 30day period to receive objections. The commission indicated that, judging from the number of liquor permit holders in the area, a Grinnell store would be profitable. Immediately after filing of the plans, the question arose of anti-liquor provisions in many of the abstracts for property in the city. Grinnell's founder, J.B. Grinnell, was a confirmed dry, and included a no-liquor-sale provision in the title to 348 lots he sold to finance the establishment of Grinnell College. The provisions stipulate that title will revert if liquor is ever sold on the lots. However, if the store were established on property not originally owned by Grinnell, this problem might not arise. The first formal protest to the store was revealed when the Grinnell Ministerial Association drafted a statement of its opposition at a regular meeting Oct. 29. Since then the liquor commission has received several objections to the store, including two from church groups. Objection was also registered by Howard R. Bowen, president of Grinnell College. Bowen bypassed the commission to write directly to Governor Herschel Loveless. The Mayflower Home petition is the latest protest. It reads, "We the undersigned residents of the Grinnell community, protest the establishment of a State liquor store in our midst for the following reasons: "1. We protest a liquor store in behalf of many parents who have children in our public schools and in Grinnell College. "2. We are proud of Grinnell's 104year tradition of 'no liquor store' and wish it to continues. "3. We point out that liquor is widely recognized as a major social evil that needs to be removed and not encouraged." Hear Views On Liquor Store For Grinnell No decision was made Wednesday by the Iowa liquor control commission on a request to establish a state liquor store in Grinnell. The issue was brought before the commission at the request of a group of Grinnell businessmen. Proponents of the store appeared before the commission and stated their views that considerable trade was being lost to the city because a liquor store is not located here. They cited liquor stores in surrounding communities and stated that they draw a certain amount of Grinnell area business to the towns. Representatives of the Grinnell Ministerial Association also appeared before the commission to present views in opposition to the location of a liquor store in Grinnell. They backed their opposition with a petition bearing about 145 signatures. Decision on the matter will be made at a later date. W.C.T.U. Asks Tax Exemption MONROE, WIS (AP) - Green County Judge Marshall L. Peterson Thursday directed the Women's Christian Temperance Union to prove that its work is educational. The judge ordered the W.C.T.U. to file a brief before July 28 explaining its activities or to pay a $1,250 inheritance tax on a $10,5000 bequest from the late W.A. Dreibelbis, Monroe. Wisconsin law provides that institutions which are solely religious, humane, charitable or educational are exempt from paying inheritance taxes. The W.C.T.U. seeks exemption as an educational organization. WCTU Hold October Meeting Mrs. Eva Pepoon was hostess to 12 WTCU members and three visitors Tuesday, Oct. 13. Edythe Lynch presided and Mamie Headland lead the devotion followed with prayer. Several interesting and educational articles on smoking and acholism were read by Mrs. Hazel White and Mrs. Headland. Family night was postponed from Oct. 20 to Nov. 17. Election of officers followed the business meeting. The new officers are President, Marie Thompson; vice-president, Blanche Epler; second vice-president, Mamie Headland; secretary, Minnie Hattingly and treasurer, Nelle Lincoln. The new officers were installed by Eloise Kiester. The meeting was closed with the flag salute and Benediction. October 13th '59 Oct. 13. - Mrs. Eva Pepoon was hostess to twelve members of the W.C.T.U and three visitors. Mrs. M. Headland was in charge of the devotions followed by a prayer by Mrs. McBlain. Articles were read on "Alcoholic A Social Task," "Smoking Health Menace," and "The U.S. has Seven Times more Alcoholics than Cancer Cases." Edythe Lynch presided and read a card concerning the State Convention, Oct 26th, 27th and 28th, at Des Moines. Minutes read and Treas report given by Nellie Lincoln. Approved and accepted. No old Business. New Business. Motion made and 2nd that Family Night be postponed from Oct 20th to Nov 17th '59. Executive Committee to meet with the new Pres. Mrs. Thompson, Mon. Oct 19th at 1:30 to make plans and program for Family night. Motion made by Mrs. Thompson and 2nd by Mrs McBlain that the Treas. pay bills for Literature. Etc. Motion made & 2nd to accept the Committee's decision on the appointment of New Officers. Pres. Marie Thompson. Vice Pres. Mrs Stephen Epler. 2nd Vice Pres Mrs. Mamie Headland. Sec't Minnie Mattingly. Treas. Nellie Lincoln. The New officers were installed by Eloise Kiester.
Mayflower Home Petition is Latest Protest Against Liquor Store Here A group of Mayflower Home residents is circulating a petition protesting the proposed establishment of a state liquor store in Grinnell. By Friday morning the petition had been signed by 104 persons, including 63 members of Mayflower Home. Petition backers said they had not decided whether to continue the drive for more signers before submitting the petition to the State Liquor Commission. The commission announced its plans to establish a Grinnell store on Oct. 26, and set a 30day period to receive objections. The commission indicated that, judging from the number of liquor permit holders in the area, a Grinnell store would be profitable. Immediately after filing of the plans, the question arose of anti-liquor provisions in many of the abstracts for property in the city. Grinnell's founder, J.B. Grinnell, was a confirmed dry, and included a no-liquor-sale provision in the title to 348 lots he sold to finance the establishment of Grinnell College. The provisions stipulate that title will revert if liquor is ever sold on the lots. However, if the store were established on property not originally owned by Grinnell, this problem might not arise. The first formal protest to the store was revealed when the Grinnell Ministerial Association drafted a statement of its opposition at a regular meeting Oct. 29. Since then the liquor commission has received several objections to the store, including two from church groups. Objection was also registered by Howard R. Bowen, president of Grinnell College. Bowen bypassed the commission to write directly to Governor Herschel Loveless. The Mayflower Home petition is the latest protest. It reads, "We the undersigned residents of the Grinnell community, protest the establishment of a State liquor store in our midst for the following reasons: "1. We protest a liquor store in behalf of many parents who have children in our public schools and in Grinnell College. "2. We are proud of Grinnell's 104year tradition of 'no liquor store' and wish it to continues. "3. We point out that liquor is widely recognized as a major social evil that needs to be removed and not encouraged." Hear Views On Liquor Store For Grinnell No decision was made Wednesday by the Iowa liquor control commission on a request to establish a state liquor store in Grinnell. The issue was brought before the commission at the request of a group of Grinnell businessmen. Proponents of the store appeared before the commission and stated their views that considerable trade was being lost to the city because a liquor store is not located here. They cited liquor stores in surrounding communities and stated that they draw a certain amount of Grinnell area business to the towns. Representatives of the Grinnell Ministerial Association also appeared before the commission to present views in opposition to the location of a liquor store in Grinnell. They backed their opposition with a petition bearing about 145 signatures. Decision on the matter will be made at a later date. W.C.T.U. Asks Tax Exemption MONROE, WIS (AP) - Green County Judge Marshall L. Peterson Thursday directed the Women's Christian Temperance Union to prove that its work is educational. The judge ordered the W.C.T.U. to file a brief before July 28 explaining its activities or to pay a $1,250 inheritance tax on a $10,5000 bequest from the late W.A. Dreibelbis, Monroe. Wisconsin law provides that institutions which are solely religious, humane, charitable or educational are exempt from paying inheritance taxes. The W.C.T.U. seeks exemption as an educational organization. WCTU Hold October Meeting Mrs. Eva Pepoon was hostess to 12 WTCU members and three visitors Tuesday, Oct. 13. Edythe Lynch presided and Mamie Headland lead the devotion followed with prayer. Several interesting and educational articles on smoking and acholism were read by Mrs. Hazel White and Mrs. Headland. Family night was postponed from Oct. 20 to Nov. 17. Election of officers followed the business meeting. The new officers are President, Marie Thompson; vice-president, Blanche Epler; second vice-president, Mamie Headland; secretary, Minnie Hattingly and treasurer, Nelle Lincoln. The new officers were installed by Eloise Kiester. The meeting was closed with the flag salute and Benediction. October 13th '59 Oct. 13. - Mrs. Eva Pepoon was hostess to twelve members of the W.C.T.U and three visitors. Mrs. M. Headland was in charge of the devotions followed by a prayer by Mrs. McBlain. Articles were read on "Alcoholic A Social Task," "Smoking Health Menace," and "The U.S. has Seven Times more Alcoholics than Cancer Cases." Edythe Lynch presided and read a card concerning the State Convention, Oct 26th, 27th and 28th, at Des Moines. Minutes read and Treas report given by Nellie Lincoln. Approved and accepted. No old Business. New Business. Motion made and 2nd that Family Night be postponed from Oct 20th to Nov 17th '59. Executive Committee to meet with the new Pres. Mrs. Thompson, Mon. Oct 19th at 1:30 to make plans and program for Family night. Motion made by Mrs. Thompson and 2nd by Mrs McBlain that the Treas. pay bills for Literature. Etc. Motion made & 2nd to accept the Committee's decision on the appointment of New Officers. Pres. Marie Thompson. Vice Pres. Mrs Stephen Epler. 2nd Vice Pres Mrs. Mamie Headland. Sec't Minnie Mattingly. Treas. Nellie Lincoln. The New officers were installed by Eloise Kiester.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries