Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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Jan. 19th Jan '60 W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Rosa Martz with 12 members and 2 guest Pres. Mrs. Martz had Dev. using Isaiah 55-9 and 2 Cor 5-6-10. Minutes read and approved as corrected. The Pres reported on the called meeting of officers and Dept. Heads. Vacation Bible School Mrs. R. Allen. Temp. Education in S.S. - Mrs. K. headland. Legislative Dept Head Mrs. Eva Pepoon. Telephone Com. to continue. Float Com. Eloise Keister, Lila Adams, and Nellie Lincoln. Motion made and 2nd that the Union hold an April Tea and Mrs. Rich as our speaker. (April 19th 1960.) A letter was read concerning the Institute to be held at Malcom Mar 8, beginning at 9:30. Covered dish luncheon at noon. We, have part in the program. The Poster contest was discussed. Motion made and 2nd that our Union offer a prize in each grade for winning Posters. The Pres. named - Eloise Keister, Mrs S. Epler and Mrs. Allen as a committee in charge. Motion made that the Resolutions Adopted by the National and State W.C.T.U. Conventions be printed in the Hearold Register. To be paid for by the Union. Motion made and 2nd that funds be sent to Francis Willard fund $2.00, Lillian Stevens Leg. Fund - $2.00 State Legislative fund - $3.00 and The Light Line $7.75 Total = $14.75 to be paid. Business meeting adjourned and Mrs. Pepoon had charge of the program "Legislative Skyway." Notes were signed for Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Olson. Nellie Lincoln Sect. Pro Tim. By M.M. W.C.T.U. Holds January Meeting W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Rose Martz with twelve members and two guest present. For devotions, Mrs. Martz used Isiah 55-9 and II Cor. 5-6-10. Following the meditations, the president reported on the meeting of the officers and department heads. Those in charge are as follows: Vacation Bible School, Mrs. Ralph Allen; Sunday School Temperance Education, Mrs. Kenneth Headland; legislative chairman, Mrs. Eva Pepoon; float committee, Eloise Kiester, Lela Adams and Nellie Lincoln; the telephone committee will remain the same. The tea will be held on April 19 in Grinnell with Mrs. Rich, state president, as speaker. The state institute is to be held March 8 at Malcom, beginning at 9:30. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. The Grinnell union will take part in the program. It was sdecided that the Union offer a prize in each grade for the winning poster prize in the poster contest held in the fall. Eloise Kiester, Mrs. Stephen Epler and Mrs. Ralph Allen are to select the prizes. The meeting was closed with the Benediction.
Jan. 19th Jan '60 W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Rosa Martz with 12 members and 2 guest Pres. Mrs. Martz had Dev. using Isaiah 55-9 and 2 Cor 5-6-10. Minutes read and approved as corrected. The Pres reported on the called meeting of officers and Dept. Heads. Vacation Bible School Mrs. R. Allen. Temp. Education in S.S. - Mrs. K. headland. Legislative Dept Head Mrs. Eva Pepoon. Telephone Com. to continue. Float Com. Eloise Keister, Lila Adams, and Nellie Lincoln. Motion made and 2nd that the Union hold an April Tea and Mrs. Rich as our speaker. (April 19th 1960.) A letter was read concerning the Institute to be held at Malcom Mar 8, beginning at 9:30. Covered dish luncheon at noon. We, have part in the program. The Poster contest was discussed. Motion made and 2nd that our Union offer a prize in each grade for winning Posters. The Pres. named - Eloise Keister, Mrs S. Epler and Mrs. Allen as a committee in charge. Motion made that the Resolutions Adopted by the National and State W.C.T.U. Conventions be printed in the Hearold Register. To be paid for by the Union. Motion made and 2nd that funds be sent to Francis Willard fund $2.00, Lillian Stevens Leg. Fund - $2.00 State Legislative fund - $3.00 and The Light Line $7.75 Total = $14.75 to be paid. Business meeting adjourned and Mrs. Pepoon had charge of the program "Legislative Skyway." Notes were signed for Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Olson. Nellie Lincoln Sect. Pro Tim. By M.M. W.C.T.U. Holds January Meeting W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Rose Martz with twelve members and two guest present. For devotions, Mrs. Martz used Isiah 55-9 and II Cor. 5-6-10. Following the meditations, the president reported on the meeting of the officers and department heads. Those in charge are as follows: Vacation Bible School, Mrs. Ralph Allen; Sunday School Temperance Education, Mrs. Kenneth Headland; legislative chairman, Mrs. Eva Pepoon; float committee, Eloise Kiester, Lela Adams and Nellie Lincoln; the telephone committee will remain the same. The tea will be held on April 19 in Grinnell with Mrs. Rich, state president, as speaker. The state institute is to be held March 8 at Malcom, beginning at 9:30. A covered dish luncheon will be served at noon. The Grinnell union will take part in the program. It was sdecided that the Union offer a prize in each grade for the winning poster prize in the poster contest held in the fall. Eloise Kiester, Mrs. Stephen Epler and Mrs. Ralph Allen are to select the prizes. The meeting was closed with the Benediction.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries