Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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W.C.T.U. met Aug 16, 1960 at the home of Mrs Harvey Mikel There were 13 members and 1 guest present. Mrs Leo Gregson had the Devotions, also some meditations from the Union Signal. Minutes of last meeting were reviewed and Treasurers report given. Mrs Pepoon reported for the Legislative Committee, on a report from the Yale Studies on alcohol regarding the percentage of alcohol under which present tests are made for drivers suspected of having taken alcohol in some form, and then driven a car. Also on the use of Liquor on Planes. The President reported on the meeting held in her home with Mrs Headland and workers from various churches relative to Temperance Instruction in the Sunday schools of Grinnell. Mrs Harvey Mikel was elected Secy for the coming year. The following officers were installed by Mrs Pepoon Pres - Eloise Keister Vice Pres - Mrs Claude Thompson Secy - Mrs Harvey Mikel Treas Nellie Lincoln Motion made, Seconded and carried we send the 5¢ per member for the expenses of State meeting. Following Roll Call during which some discussion regarding a self-serve Liquor store in Des Moines was held, Mrs Allen gave an interesting review of the closing chapters of the Study Book. Meeting closed with the Benediction Following the meeting a Silent Auction was held. Nellie Lincoln acting secy. The WCTU met at the home of Iva Saville on Sept 20, 1960 The salutes to the flags were used to open the meeting led by the president Eloise Keister. Ninteen members and 3 visitors were present, The minutes were read and approved. Roll call was used with each giving some news item on alocohol or smoking. WCTU Meets With Mrs. Iva Saville Mrs. Iva Saville was hostess recently to the regular meeting of the WCTU. Salutes to the flags led by Eloise Kiester opened the meeting. It was announced that the State WCTU Convention is scheduled to be held in Washington on Oct. 17-19. Mrs. McBlain led the devotions followed by Mrs. Allee who read the scripture. As a special feature for the meeting. Mrs. Epler told of her trip to the Panama Canal area where her son is stationed.
W.C.T.U. met Aug 16, 1960 at the home of Mrs Harvey Mikel There were 13 members and 1 guest present. Mrs Leo Gregson had the Devotions, also some meditations from the Union Signal. Minutes of last meeting were reviewed and Treasurers report given. Mrs Pepoon reported for the Legislative Committee, on a report from the Yale Studies on alcohol regarding the percentage of alcohol under which present tests are made for drivers suspected of having taken alcohol in some form, and then driven a car. Also on the use of Liquor on Planes. The President reported on the meeting held in her home with Mrs Headland and workers from various churches relative to Temperance Instruction in the Sunday schools of Grinnell. Mrs Harvey Mikel was elected Secy for the coming year. The following officers were installed by Mrs Pepoon Pres - Eloise Keister Vice Pres - Mrs Claude Thompson Secy - Mrs Harvey Mikel Treas Nellie Lincoln Motion made, Seconded and carried we send the 5¢ per member for the expenses of State meeting. Following Roll Call during which some discussion regarding a self-serve Liquor store in Des Moines was held, Mrs Allen gave an interesting review of the closing chapters of the Study Book. Meeting closed with the Benediction Following the meeting a Silent Auction was held. Nellie Lincoln acting secy. The WCTU met at the home of Iva Saville on Sept 20, 1960 The salutes to the flags were used to open the meeting led by the president Eloise Keister. Ninteen members and 3 visitors were present, The minutes were read and approved. Roll call was used with each giving some news item on alocohol or smoking. WCTU Meets With Mrs. Iva Saville Mrs. Iva Saville was hostess recently to the regular meeting of the WCTU. Salutes to the flags led by Eloise Kiester opened the meeting. It was announced that the State WCTU Convention is scheduled to be held in Washington on Oct. 17-19. Mrs. McBlain led the devotions followed by Mrs. Allee who read the scripture. As a special feature for the meeting. Mrs. Epler told of her trip to the Panama Canal area where her son is stationed.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries