Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The WCTU met with Nellie Inman on June 20, 1961 we opened by giving the three flags salutes, led by Eloise Kiester, president. Mrs Edyth Lynch led in the devotions, reading from the Union Signal and Scriptures from Luke 7:11-15, Deut 11:11 The lesson was directed by president, several of the members read articles: Mrs H. Sage - "Flower Mission Day" its on June 9th. "The Sun Shine Bomarang" by Mrs Epler Several sick folks were visited by Mrs Sage, other members had also made calls and left flowers. A poem "Secret Service" was read by Nellie Lincoln "The Growth of WCTU" by the president, 1875 Iowa was among the first to organize into womens temperence work. in 1970 Francis Willard was elected National President. In 1882 the 'Union Signal' was first published. "The First in the Field" was read. A statue of Francis Williard is in the Capital building in Washington D.C. Jan 16, 1920 National Probition was passed! There is a total of 65 countries in the National WCTU. A report on the weed ______ was read by the president. "Trapped" an article on cigarettes was read by Mrs Ed. Parrish closed by prayer. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer reports $36.05 balance on hand and 45 members for 1961. A letter from Mrs. Renfrew, who now lives in Washington DC was read A Motion was made that we have our Honorory Meeting in June in 1962. - passed Mrs. Olsen is in hospital with a broken hip, Nellie called on her. A motion to send $10.00 to state treasurer for the "Budget Dollar" : passed Picnic is planned for July meeting at Nellie Lincolns also plan to have a silent auction same day. The National Convention of the WCTU to be held in San Francisco, Calif. Aug 3-8, 1961. Nom comm - Mrs H. Mikel - Mrs. Epler - Mrs Pepoon. Collection $1.45 Closed with Lords Prayer. Eloise Kiester pres. Mrs Harvey Mikel, Sec't.
The WCTU met with Nellie Inman on June 20, 1961 we opened by giving the three flags salutes, led by Eloise Kiester, president. Mrs Edyth Lynch led in the devotions, reading from the Union Signal and Scriptures from Luke 7:11-15, Deut 11:11 The lesson was directed by president, several of the members read articles: Mrs H. Sage - "Flower Mission Day" its on June 9th. "The Sun Shine Bomarang" by Mrs Epler Several sick folks were visited by Mrs Sage, other members had also made calls and left flowers. A poem "Secret Service" was read by Nellie Lincoln "The Growth of WCTU" by the president, 1875 Iowa was among the first to organize into womens temperence work. in 1970 Francis Willard was elected National President. In 1882 the 'Union Signal' was first published. "The First in the Field" was read. A statue of Francis Williard is in the Capital building in Washington D.C. Jan 16, 1920 National Probition was passed! There is a total of 65 countries in the National WCTU. A report on the weed ______ was read by the president. "Trapped" an article on cigarettes was read by Mrs Ed. Parrish closed by prayer. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer reports $36.05 balance on hand and 45 members for 1961. A letter from Mrs. Renfrew, who now lives in Washington DC was read A Motion was made that we have our Honorory Meeting in June in 1962. - passed Mrs. Olsen is in hospital with a broken hip, Nellie called on her. A motion to send $10.00 to state treasurer for the "Budget Dollar" : passed Picnic is planned for July meeting at Nellie Lincolns also plan to have a silent auction same day. The National Convention of the WCTU to be held in San Francisco, Calif. Aug 3-8, 1961. Nom comm - Mrs H. Mikel - Mrs. Epler - Mrs Pepoon. Collection $1.45 Closed with Lords Prayer. Eloise Kiester pres. Mrs Harvey Mikel, Sec't.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries