Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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The Pres also mentioned things we might in our union. She mentioned the sending of Old Greeting cards to Formosa, And the Eye glass project, other projects were mentioned one being the making of [Larors?] for some occasion at the Hospital. The Pres appointed Mrs Claude Thompson, and Mrs Eva Pepoon to have change of something for March. The taking of bouquets to the Hospital with a Scripture verse, and the name of W.C.T.U. on an enclosed card was also mentioned. A motion was made we send in the four funds Frances Millard 2.00 Lillian Stevens 2.00 State Legislature 3.00, and Light Line 7.75 or a total of 14.75 The meeting closed with prayer by the Pres Nellie Lincoln Acting Secy. The W.C.T.U. met Feb 20 with Mrs Gen C. [illegible] Nellie Lincoln had the Devotions Theme "Speak out," Scripture Romans 10 - 14 18. Several Rhymes used from the Study books "Today's [illegible]" using charts for illustration. An article open doors need screens was read by Beulah Ratcliff. A Pamphlet regarding the Willard Memorial Fund was read. The Pres Eloise Kiester presided over the business session. Salute to the flags was given minutes of last meeting were read and approved, also a note of thanks from Mrs Foster for the card sent here Mrs Pepoon stated Mrs McBlain is unable to get out, but expressed thanks for the card sent to her. Mrs Prepoon and Eloise reported 100 [illegible] carrying out the idea of Washington birthday. A bill of $1.00 was allowed Mrs Thompson for materials for the favors, A bill of 2.50 was allowed Eloise Kiester for song books, and other supplies ordered It was voted to send out Feb offering amounting to $2.10 for the Willard memorial Fund. Mention was made again of the eye glasses project, and used greeting card project for Formosa. The Pres quoted from the Washington Letter in the Union Signal regarding the bills we should be writing to our congressman about. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs Allen. Nellie Lincoln Acting Secy. The W.C.T.U. met Mar 20, 1962 at the home of Mrs Howard Sager with 9 members and 1 guest present. Mrs Shederhelm had the devotions theme - Understanding - Scripture Nehemish 8 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 Song Lead on King Eternal. Mrs Rayford Ratcliff was program leader - Mrs Claude Thompson gave an article on Literature, stating the main objective of the W.C.T.U. is Education, and that our organization has the Necessary Literature for our needs, but she stated it is not enough to have books, knowledge must be digested, and unless we have applied our hearts to understanding we will be unable to present to other facts as they are. Mrs Pepoon reviewed a chapter from the Study Book using a chart for illustration. Mrs Ratcliff reported
The Pres also mentioned things we might in our union. She mentioned the sending of Old Greeting cards to Formosa, And the Eye glass project, other projects were mentioned one being the making of [Larors?] for some occasion at the Hospital. The Pres appointed Mrs Claude Thompson, and Mrs Eva Pepoon to have change of something for March. The taking of bouquets to the Hospital with a Scripture verse, and the name of W.C.T.U. on an enclosed card was also mentioned. A motion was made we send in the four funds Frances Millard 2.00 Lillian Stevens 2.00 State Legislature 3.00, and Light Line 7.75 or a total of 14.75 The meeting closed with prayer by the Pres Nellie Lincoln Acting Secy. The W.C.T.U. met Feb 20 with Mrs Gen C. [illegible] Nellie Lincoln had the Devotions Theme "Speak out," Scripture Romans 10 - 14 18. Several Rhymes used from the Study books "Today's [illegible]" using charts for illustration. An article open doors need screens was read by Beulah Ratcliff. A Pamphlet regarding the Willard Memorial Fund was read. The Pres Eloise Kiester presided over the business session. Salute to the flags was given minutes of last meeting were read and approved, also a note of thanks from Mrs Foster for the card sent here Mrs Pepoon stated Mrs McBlain is unable to get out, but expressed thanks for the card sent to her. Mrs Prepoon and Eloise reported 100 [illegible] carrying out the idea of Washington birthday. A bill of $1.00 was allowed Mrs Thompson for materials for the favors, A bill of 2.50 was allowed Eloise Kiester for song books, and other supplies ordered It was voted to send out Feb offering amounting to $2.10 for the Willard memorial Fund. Mention was made again of the eye glasses project, and used greeting card project for Formosa. The Pres quoted from the Washington Letter in the Union Signal regarding the bills we should be writing to our congressman about. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs Allen. Nellie Lincoln Acting Secy. The W.C.T.U. met Mar 20, 1962 at the home of Mrs Howard Sager with 9 members and 1 guest present. Mrs Shederhelm had the devotions theme - Understanding - Scripture Nehemish 8 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 Song Lead on King Eternal. Mrs Rayford Ratcliff was program leader - Mrs Claude Thompson gave an article on Literature, stating the main objective of the W.C.T.U. is Education, and that our organization has the Necessary Literature for our needs, but she stated it is not enough to have books, knowledge must be digested, and unless we have applied our hearts to understanding we will be unable to present to other facts as they are. Mrs Pepoon reviewed a chapter from the Study Book using a chart for illustration. Mrs Ratcliff reported
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries