Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 368
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368 it was in the past! Do encourage pastors and teachers to talk about and tell about the evil of drinking! Wake up the churches! She also passed around a piece of wild hemp or marijuana so all could see what it looks like the dangers of it's use were also told. Eloise reviewed Ch. 9 & 10 from the Study book - nearly all the books in the Old Testment warn of the bad effect of drinking. The school book in the past told of the harm drinking did to the human body; now these books have been discarded. S.S. teachers don't stress it any more "Christians have become to complacient! The books of Matt. Mark & Luke meantions the "fruit of the vine" but not wine. Christ is our example teach, the truth about alcohol! Business was conducted by the President Treasurer report $34: the budgets $1's are all paid. the card & note cards sold real well: Motion was made to send for 25 more boxes - was carried State Confre. to be Sept 25, 26, 27 at Cedar Rapids at the Christian Church. National Confre. at Miamie Florida: a bus will go there, so if any are interested in going send in [illegible] for your reservation at once. Nom. Comm. reported: President - Eloise Kiester Vice President - Mrs Epler Treasurer - Nellie Lincoln Rec. Sec. - Mrs Ralph Allen the reported was accepted. an offering was taken. We closed our meeting with the benediction. We then enjoyed a pot luck lunch. Sect'y. Mrs Harvey Mikel On Aug 21, 1962 the WCTU met at the home of Rachel Mikel. The meeting was opened by giving the three pledges to the flags, by the 15 members who were present. Mrs Reedy lead the devotions by reading some scripture verses and a meditation from the 'Union Signal'. Mrs Epler led in prayer and a closing poem was read. Get well cards were signed by all present to be sent to Mrs. Sevenburgen and Mrs. B. Ratcliff who are both in the hospital. The program was led by Eloise Kiester; an article in the July Union Signal was reviewed: "The Stomach-
368 it was in the past! Do encourage pastors and teachers to talk about and tell about the evil of drinking! Wake up the churches! She also passed around a piece of wild hemp or marijuana so all could see what it looks like the dangers of it's use were also told. Eloise reviewed Ch. 9 & 10 from the Study book - nearly all the books in the Old Testment warn of the bad effect of drinking. The school book in the past told of the harm drinking did to the human body; now these books have been discarded. S.S. teachers don't stress it any more "Christians have become to complacient! The books of Matt. Mark & Luke meantions the "fruit of the vine" but not wine. Christ is our example teach, the truth about alcohol! Business was conducted by the President Treasurer report $34: the budgets $1's are all paid. the card & note cards sold real well: Motion was made to send for 25 more boxes - was carried State Confre. to be Sept 25, 26, 27 at Cedar Rapids at the Christian Church. National Confre. at Miamie Florida: a bus will go there, so if any are interested in going send in [illegible] for your reservation at once. Nom. Comm. reported: President - Eloise Kiester Vice President - Mrs Epler Treasurer - Nellie Lincoln Rec. Sec. - Mrs Ralph Allen the reported was accepted. an offering was taken. We closed our meeting with the benediction. We then enjoyed a pot luck lunch. Sect'y. Mrs Harvey Mikel On Aug 21, 1962 the WCTU met at the home of Rachel Mikel. The meeting was opened by giving the three pledges to the flags, by the 15 members who were present. Mrs Reedy lead the devotions by reading some scripture verses and a meditation from the 'Union Signal'. Mrs Epler led in prayer and a closing poem was read. Get well cards were signed by all present to be sent to Mrs. Sevenburgen and Mrs. B. Ratcliff who are both in the hospital. The program was led by Eloise Kiester; an article in the July Union Signal was reviewed: "The Stomach-
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries