Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 383
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383 review on cancer, which dealt mostly on lung cancer, in most all cases incurable. Financial report $31.67. Our president reported she had ordered 4 films to be used at church and W.C.T.U. Report of nominating committee - Co.-Pres. - Mrs. Mikkel and Miss Keister Vice Pres. - Lela Adams. Secretary - Mrs. Allen Treasurer - Nellie Lincoln Nellie is to order our supplies. Next meeting to be at Mrs. Mikkel's. Motion - Nellie send in the budget dollars. Calls 34. - By Eva Pepoon The W.C.T.U. meeting was held Aug. 18 in the home of Rachel Mikkel. Pledge of allegiance to the flags was given. Mrs. Mikkel also led the devotions from 1 Cor. 6:19,20. The body is the temple; how fortunate are children who live in a Christian home; temptation are greater than ever before. Several led in prayer, especially mentioning the young people of our day. Mrs. Mildred Jones had charge of the program. A temperate life is lived by the eternal power of a living God. She told of the restraint that is used on the teachers in the grade school where she teaches. Mrs. Thompson gave the 12th chapter of the study book - "Mind if I Smoke?" Mrs. Pepoon read the minutes of the July meeting. The following officers for year 1964-65 are: - Rachel Mikkel and Eloise Keister - Co-Presidents Lela Adams ----Vice Pres. Mrs. Ralph Allen - Recording Sec'y. Nellie Lincoln - Treasurer. Installation of officers was postponed until Sept. meeting. Mrs. McBlains daughter wrote concerning her mother and thanks for the card. Her birthday is Sept. 11, and she hoped that some of the ladies could go to see her then. Mrs. Thompson offered her home for the Sept. meeting. Rachel mentioned the state convention in Des Moines Sept. 28-30. There had been 24 calls made and 2 card sent. At the close of the meting, Rachel read a prayer from the Champion - "P.S." (Past Seventy." Mrs Parish closed with prayer. Mable Morgan - Sec'y Pro-tem. The W.C.T.U. met on Sept. 15 with Mrs. Claude Thompson. There were 9 members and 1 visitor present. Eloise Keister presided. After pledges to the flags, Winifred Sevenberger led in the devotions on the subject - "The [Saver?]." We sang the song 0 Win Them One by One." Scripture used was Luke 8:5-11
383 review on cancer, which dealt mostly on lung cancer, in most all cases incurable. Financial report $31.67. Our president reported she had ordered 4 films to be used at church and W.C.T.U. Report of nominating committee - Co.-Pres. - Mrs. Mikkel and Miss Keister Vice Pres. - Lela Adams. Secretary - Mrs. Allen Treasurer - Nellie Lincoln Nellie is to order our supplies. Next meeting to be at Mrs. Mikkel's. Motion - Nellie send in the budget dollars. Calls 34. - By Eva Pepoon The W.C.T.U. meeting was held Aug. 18 in the home of Rachel Mikkel. Pledge of allegiance to the flags was given. Mrs. Mikkel also led the devotions from 1 Cor. 6:19,20. The body is the temple; how fortunate are children who live in a Christian home; temptation are greater than ever before. Several led in prayer, especially mentioning the young people of our day. Mrs. Mildred Jones had charge of the program. A temperate life is lived by the eternal power of a living God. She told of the restraint that is used on the teachers in the grade school where she teaches. Mrs. Thompson gave the 12th chapter of the study book - "Mind if I Smoke?" Mrs. Pepoon read the minutes of the July meeting. The following officers for year 1964-65 are: - Rachel Mikkel and Eloise Keister - Co-Presidents Lela Adams ----Vice Pres. Mrs. Ralph Allen - Recording Sec'y. Nellie Lincoln - Treasurer. Installation of officers was postponed until Sept. meeting. Mrs. McBlains daughter wrote concerning her mother and thanks for the card. Her birthday is Sept. 11, and she hoped that some of the ladies could go to see her then. Mrs. Thompson offered her home for the Sept. meeting. Rachel mentioned the state convention in Des Moines Sept. 28-30. There had been 24 calls made and 2 card sent. At the close of the meting, Rachel read a prayer from the Champion - "P.S." (Past Seventy." Mrs Parish closed with prayer. Mable Morgan - Sec'y Pro-tem. The W.C.T.U. met on Sept. 15 with Mrs. Claude Thompson. There were 9 members and 1 visitor present. Eloise Keister presided. After pledges to the flags, Winifred Sevenberger led in the devotions on the subject - "The [Saver?]." We sang the song 0 Win Them One by One." Scripture used was Luke 8:5-11
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries