Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 386
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386 1963-64 Activities (Sept. 1963-Aug. 1964) Family night - Oct. - showed 2 filmstrips Honary members night - June $5.00 sent to Sam Morris - Station KDRY Offerings to - Willard Memorial Fund Lillian Stevens Legislative Fund State Legislative Fund. Light Line $14.75. $7.00 to Memorial Fund (Mrs. Epler) Linens sent to Benedict Home. Used greeting cards sent to Formosa. Budget dollars sent $1.00 to Narcotics Education Fund $2.00 for Institute Petition to Kyle - Becker amendment. 152 calls made 58 cards sent. 1965 W.C.T.U. met on Jan. 19 at home of Nellie Inman. There were 10 present, Eloise Keister presiding. She led in pledges to the flags. Eva Pepoon had charge of devotions on subject - "In His Strength", using meditations from Union Signal, and concluded with prayer. Eva Pepoon also read an article - "Christian Ideals at Work" - The program was presented by Mrs. Allen, her subject being "United Citizenship." She reviewed the activities recommended by the national department on Citizenship and also the legislative department plan of work on both the state and national level. She reviewed parts of the leaflet - "Facts vs. Fiction" by the use of posters, comparing facts concerning conditions during prohibitions, and since repeal of the prohibition amendment. Bringing the problem down to the local level, Winifred Sevenbergen read an article - "Is the Liquor Business my Business?" this question being answered in affirmative by a number of representative local citizens of any community. Mrs. Allen then asked these questions- "What is out responsibility as citizens of this community? What is liquor doing to our town? How can we meet these problems? With these in mind, she recommended a community survey base upon plans put out by headquarters in Evanston. Discussion followed. During the business session, the following committee was appointed to plan such a local survey: Mrs. Allen, chairman; Eva Pepoon, Nellie Lincoln and Carol Sammon. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer reported a balance of "39.08
386 1963-64 Activities (Sept. 1963-Aug. 1964) Family night - Oct. - showed 2 filmstrips Honary members night - June $5.00 sent to Sam Morris - Station KDRY Offerings to - Willard Memorial Fund Lillian Stevens Legislative Fund State Legislative Fund. Light Line $14.75. $7.00 to Memorial Fund (Mrs. Epler) Linens sent to Benedict Home. Used greeting cards sent to Formosa. Budget dollars sent $1.00 to Narcotics Education Fund $2.00 for Institute Petition to Kyle - Becker amendment. 152 calls made 58 cards sent. 1965 W.C.T.U. met on Jan. 19 at home of Nellie Inman. There were 10 present, Eloise Keister presiding. She led in pledges to the flags. Eva Pepoon had charge of devotions on subject - "In His Strength", using meditations from Union Signal, and concluded with prayer. Eva Pepoon also read an article - "Christian Ideals at Work" - The program was presented by Mrs. Allen, her subject being "United Citizenship." She reviewed the activities recommended by the national department on Citizenship and also the legislative department plan of work on both the state and national level. She reviewed parts of the leaflet - "Facts vs. Fiction" by the use of posters, comparing facts concerning conditions during prohibitions, and since repeal of the prohibition amendment. Bringing the problem down to the local level, Winifred Sevenbergen read an article - "Is the Liquor Business my Business?" this question being answered in affirmative by a number of representative local citizens of any community. Mrs. Allen then asked these questions- "What is out responsibility as citizens of this community? What is liquor doing to our town? How can we meet these problems? With these in mind, she recommended a community survey base upon plans put out by headquarters in Evanston. Discussion followed. During the business session, the following committee was appointed to plan such a local survey: Mrs. Allen, chairman; Eva Pepoon, Nellie Lincoln and Carol Sammon. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer reported a balance of "39.08
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries