Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 393
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393 1966 W.C.T.U. met with Nellie Inman on Jan. 18, Lela Adams presiding. Mrs. Adams also led in devotions, using meditation from the Champion. Several led in prayer and all sang "I Need Thee every Hour." Rev. Warner reviewed an address of a judge concerning his dealings with juveniles. He stressed the need of discipline of children and youth. Mrs. Adams led in pledges to the flags and read articles from the Champion. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Reported were 34 cards sent to sick or shut-ins and 52 calls made. The treasurer reported $26.00 balance. She was interested to send the usual contributions to funds - Willard Memorial, Lillian Stevens Legislative, Light Line and State Legislative funds. Needs for certain articles by our veterans were mentioned. It was suggested that bibs, scuffies, etc. be made and brought to the next meeting. Bessie Alexander read an article - "What Makes a City Great?" Meeting closed with the benediction. W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Manzel Baily and Carol Sammons on Feb. 15, 10 members present, Eloise Keister presiding. After pledges, Miss Keister led in devotions, using Acts 1:8. She read the words of a song, meditation on witnessing, and led in prayer. Mabel Morgan presented the program which was centered around the life, activities, and sayings of Frances Willard. During the business session, minutes of January meeting were read and approved. 25 cards and 23 calls reported, and $15.86 in the treasury. Mention was made of articles needed for hospitals and needy. Eloise Keister read a letter from Mrs. Arnold concerning spring activities and a letter from the state president asking us to write to representatives in Washington concerning a resolution. Addresses and information were distributed. Meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Allen. W.C.T.U. met with Sybil Renaud on March 15, with 8 present, Eloise Keister presiding. Eve Gregson led in devotions. Eloise Keister had charge of the program which included responsive reading concerning abstinence in the Bible; song - "We Would be Builders," articles - "Don't Collide with Science", "Are you Watching Me?" and "Unanimous Verdict", article by our national promotions secretary, showing that only half-truths are revealed as facts in advertising; article describing the Frances Willard home and the ceremony setting it apart as a national shrine; a biography of the life of Frances Willard and also of the woman who is the hostess of the Willard Home. There were 3 cards, 5 calls and 8
393 1966 W.C.T.U. met with Nellie Inman on Jan. 18, Lela Adams presiding. Mrs. Adams also led in devotions, using meditation from the Champion. Several led in prayer and all sang "I Need Thee every Hour." Rev. Warner reviewed an address of a judge concerning his dealings with juveniles. He stressed the need of discipline of children and youth. Mrs. Adams led in pledges to the flags and read articles from the Champion. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Reported were 34 cards sent to sick or shut-ins and 52 calls made. The treasurer reported $26.00 balance. She was interested to send the usual contributions to funds - Willard Memorial, Lillian Stevens Legislative, Light Line and State Legislative funds. Needs for certain articles by our veterans were mentioned. It was suggested that bibs, scuffies, etc. be made and brought to the next meeting. Bessie Alexander read an article - "What Makes a City Great?" Meeting closed with the benediction. W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. Manzel Baily and Carol Sammons on Feb. 15, 10 members present, Eloise Keister presiding. After pledges, Miss Keister led in devotions, using Acts 1:8. She read the words of a song, meditation on witnessing, and led in prayer. Mabel Morgan presented the program which was centered around the life, activities, and sayings of Frances Willard. During the business session, minutes of January meeting were read and approved. 25 cards and 23 calls reported, and $15.86 in the treasury. Mention was made of articles needed for hospitals and needy. Eloise Keister read a letter from Mrs. Arnold concerning spring activities and a letter from the state president asking us to write to representatives in Washington concerning a resolution. Addresses and information were distributed. Meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Allen. W.C.T.U. met with Sybil Renaud on March 15, with 8 present, Eloise Keister presiding. Eve Gregson led in devotions. Eloise Keister had charge of the program which included responsive reading concerning abstinence in the Bible; song - "We Would be Builders," articles - "Don't Collide with Science", "Are you Watching Me?" and "Unanimous Verdict", article by our national promotions secretary, showing that only half-truths are revealed as facts in advertising; article describing the Frances Willard home and the ceremony setting it apart as a national shrine; a biography of the life of Frances Willard and also of the woman who is the hostess of the Willard Home. There were 3 cards, 5 calls and 8
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries