Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 415
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415 Aug. 26, 1970 W.C.T.U Our meeting opened by the Vice-pres Eloise Keister, in the home of Mildred Jones. nine members answered roll call Devotions were given by Nellie Lincoln The scripture reading was from Matthew. "Who do Men say that I am?" I am the way the truth and the light. Money is the passport for everything but Heaven and Happiness!' We had our three flag salutes. Eloise read an interesting poem 'I visited Him in the Morning. Minutes were read and approved we made 23 calls to "shut ins", sent 11 cards are wrote 5 legislative letters Nellie Lincoln read a letter from Mr. Kyle saying there was no bill coming up against liquor. Mildred McDowell said that she heard Mr. Kyle say that preachers should preach more about religion and less on politics The state convention is at Fort Dodge September 28-30, 1970 We discussed our program for Sept. Nellie and helpers will make out yearly programs. There was no new business The report of the nominating committee is as follows Pres. Lela Adams and Eloise Keister Vice Pres. Fidelia German and Mildred Jones Recording Sec. Carol Sammon and Mable Morgan Treas. Nellie Lincoln Directors Mildred Harris - Christian Outreach Eloise Keister - Social Service Carol Sammon - Legislative Motion was made that the unanimous report of the nominating committee be accepted Eloise has one doz spectacles ready to be sent to 'New Eyes for the needy' at Shorthills New Jersey Nellie Lincoln the treasurer reported that we have $15.00 worth of quarters to Foot the Bill for the 1971 World Convention in Chicago, Ill. In our treasury we have $23.00. (over)
415 Aug. 26, 1970 W.C.T.U Our meeting opened by the Vice-pres Eloise Keister, in the home of Mildred Jones. nine members answered roll call Devotions were given by Nellie Lincoln The scripture reading was from Matthew. "Who do Men say that I am?" I am the way the truth and the light. Money is the passport for everything but Heaven and Happiness!' We had our three flag salutes. Eloise read an interesting poem 'I visited Him in the Morning. Minutes were read and approved we made 23 calls to "shut ins", sent 11 cards are wrote 5 legislative letters Nellie Lincoln read a letter from Mr. Kyle saying there was no bill coming up against liquor. Mildred McDowell said that she heard Mr. Kyle say that preachers should preach more about religion and less on politics The state convention is at Fort Dodge September 28-30, 1970 We discussed our program for Sept. Nellie and helpers will make out yearly programs. There was no new business The report of the nominating committee is as follows Pres. Lela Adams and Eloise Keister Vice Pres. Fidelia German and Mildred Jones Recording Sec. Carol Sammon and Mable Morgan Treas. Nellie Lincoln Directors Mildred Harris - Christian Outreach Eloise Keister - Social Service Carol Sammon - Legislative Motion was made that the unanimous report of the nominating committee be accepted Eloise has one doz spectacles ready to be sent to 'New Eyes for the needy' at Shorthills New Jersey Nellie Lincoln the treasurer reported that we have $15.00 worth of quarters to Foot the Bill for the 1971 World Convention in Chicago, Ill. In our treasury we have $23.00. (over)
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries