Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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November 17, 1970 The Nov. meeting of the W.S.C.S. was held in the home of Fedelia German with six members attending Mable Morgan had the devotions - Scripture I Corinthians Chapter III Verses 4-9. Theme was Christian Citizenship and closing with thoughts of Thanksgiving. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The pres. read a letter from Mrs. Roberts requesting us not to write our congressman in Washington regarding legislative bills until she has word from Mrs. Harmon regarding same. Our pres. Lela Adams reported that the first convention of the W.C.T.U. was held 100 years ago Nov. 18, 1810 in Cleveland, Ohio. Following the salutes to the flags, prayer was offered by our prayer band for the countries of Japan, Bolivia, Peru, and Cylon. Also for our second vice pres. and World Treasurer, Mrs. Stanley. Each state president was allowed a minute speed at the national convention. Our local pres. Lela Adams, read from the Chanysion paper regarding Mrs. Roberts speech. She is much encouraged in the way educational work is snowballing and the great increase of temperance literature being in demand Still dealing with International Relations, our president spoke of the strides Canada and Great Britain are making in their headway against cigarette smoking, pollution and other health hazards. Eloise had the lesson - She quoted six established facts about alcohol. 1. Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant 2. Alcohol causes toxic damage to the Central Nervous System, the brain and spinal cord 3. Alcohol is not a food 4. Reflexes of the body are retarded 5. Alcohol causes inferiority of performance 6. Human health is not improved or benefited Eloise then gave a reading, "The Masters Hards." Jesus' hands were human hand, the hands of Jesus were tender and loving hands Jesus hands were praying hands Jesus hands were outstretched hands, what about our hands? A playlet was given by Lela Adams, [illegible] use K, Mable Morgan, and Nellie Lincoln, [illegible] closed by singing Blest Be the Fie, and the [illegible] is Benedict
November 17, 1970 The Nov. meeting of the W.S.C.S. was held in the home of Fedelia German with six members attending Mable Morgan had the devotions - Scripture I Corinthians Chapter III Verses 4-9. Theme was Christian Citizenship and closing with thoughts of Thanksgiving. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The pres. read a letter from Mrs. Roberts requesting us not to write our congressman in Washington regarding legislative bills until she has word from Mrs. Harmon regarding same. Our pres. Lela Adams reported that the first convention of the W.C.T.U. was held 100 years ago Nov. 18, 1810 in Cleveland, Ohio. Following the salutes to the flags, prayer was offered by our prayer band for the countries of Japan, Bolivia, Peru, and Cylon. Also for our second vice pres. and World Treasurer, Mrs. Stanley. Each state president was allowed a minute speed at the national convention. Our local pres. Lela Adams, read from the Chanysion paper regarding Mrs. Roberts speech. She is much encouraged in the way educational work is snowballing and the great increase of temperance literature being in demand Still dealing with International Relations, our president spoke of the strides Canada and Great Britain are making in their headway against cigarette smoking, pollution and other health hazards. Eloise had the lesson - She quoted six established facts about alcohol. 1. Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant 2. Alcohol causes toxic damage to the Central Nervous System, the brain and spinal cord 3. Alcohol is not a food 4. Reflexes of the body are retarded 5. Alcohol causes inferiority of performance 6. Human health is not improved or benefited Eloise then gave a reading, "The Masters Hards." Jesus' hands were human hand, the hands of Jesus were tender and loving hands Jesus hands were praying hands Jesus hands were outstretched hands, what about our hands? A playlet was given by Lela Adams, [illegible] use K, Mable Morgan, and Nellie Lincoln, [illegible] closed by singing Blest Be the Fie, and the [illegible] is Benedict
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries