Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 422
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422 April 20, 1971 Our meeting was called to order by the president Eloise Keister in the home of Mildred Jones. Eight members were present We sang "Oh Mater Let me Walk with Thee,' The Bible readings were from Ecclesiastes Chapter XII the theme being "In the Days of Thy Youth," remeber thy creator. Solomon wrote these words, he was the wisest and riches man alive. Life with a purpose was a prayer read by next we had the three flag salutes. The secretarys report was read and approved. We have made 37 calls, and send 21 cards and two letters. We are supposed to attend the district meeting in Oskaloosa April 30, at the United Methodist Church Write to our representative and vote "No" on House File No. 435 that we do not want pari-mutual betting. Legal gambling causes ill-legal gambling. Senate File No. 169 is to vote "no" on the Sunday sale of liquor. The motion was made by Carol Sammon and seconded by Mildred Jones that we send $3.00 for the liquor education during the mo. of April. Motion carried Lela Adams Eloise Keister and Mildred McDowell put their birthday money in the W.C.T.U. bank Nellie L. read a letter from Lillian Dixon thanking us for used birthday and Christmas cards Eva Pepoon gave the program about "youth". President Richard Nixon said that he'd like to end the war for all time. More than 82,000 children are dead who were alive in 1960. Most causes are alcohol and accidents. Lela Adams read a poem " ". It was about a young couple who drank too much liquor at their wedding party We took up a collection. We need more money for our quest to attend the national W.C.T.U. Conv. in Chicago July 28 - Aug. 4, 1971 we closed our meeting with our benediction. The next meeting is with Eloise Keister. A light lunch was served by Mrs. Jones Sec. Carol I. Sammon
422 April 20, 1971 Our meeting was called to order by the president Eloise Keister in the home of Mildred Jones. Eight members were present We sang "Oh Mater Let me Walk with Thee,' The Bible readings were from Ecclesiastes Chapter XII the theme being "In the Days of Thy Youth," remeber thy creator. Solomon wrote these words, he was the wisest and riches man alive. Life with a purpose was a prayer read by next we had the three flag salutes. The secretarys report was read and approved. We have made 37 calls, and send 21 cards and two letters. We are supposed to attend the district meeting in Oskaloosa April 30, at the United Methodist Church Write to our representative and vote "No" on House File No. 435 that we do not want pari-mutual betting. Legal gambling causes ill-legal gambling. Senate File No. 169 is to vote "no" on the Sunday sale of liquor. The motion was made by Carol Sammon and seconded by Mildred Jones that we send $3.00 for the liquor education during the mo. of April. Motion carried Lela Adams Eloise Keister and Mildred McDowell put their birthday money in the W.C.T.U. bank Nellie L. read a letter from Lillian Dixon thanking us for used birthday and Christmas cards Eva Pepoon gave the program about "youth". President Richard Nixon said that he'd like to end the war for all time. More than 82,000 children are dead who were alive in 1960. Most causes are alcohol and accidents. Lela Adams read a poem " ". It was about a young couple who drank too much liquor at their wedding party We took up a collection. We need more money for our quest to attend the national W.C.T.U. Conv. in Chicago July 28 - Aug. 4, 1971 we closed our meeting with our benediction. The next meeting is with Eloise Keister. A light lunch was served by Mrs. Jones Sec. Carol I. Sammon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries