Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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426 Sept 21, 1971 Our W.C.T.U met in the home of Mildred Jones. We gave our three pledges to the American, Christian and W.C.T.U. flags we sang "Go Ye Into All the World" Mildred Jones' devotions were from Romans XV and XVI. "I will be bold and talk through Jesus said Paul." We sent cards and letters and made several visits. The secretary's report was read and approved. We had a discussion about the state convention which will be held in Knoxville during the month of Oct. Nellie Lincoln gave her yearly treasurer's report. Nine dollars was taken in for birthdays during the year, she paid out $122.47 far dues, funds flowers and necessities. Balance on hand is $43.79. The treasurer's report was accepted Our thank offering of $10.00, in memory of Marie Thompson Faye Lynch and Grace Foster is to be taken to the state convention. We are to write to The Honorable John Kyl - House Office B'ld'g. Wash. D.C. 20515 and urge him to vote against the bill, H.R. 7785. Lesson was. 'Ahead to Victory - by Mable Morgan. Invite others into the W.C.T.U. Do what you do real well. Plan a campaign. Have young peopl work against liquor. Abstinenance should be taught in homes and schools. We paid our dues! Our meeting was concluded by a prayer. Delicious refreshments were served by our hostess Mildred Jones Sec. Carol I. Sammon
426 Sept 21, 1971 Our W.C.T.U met in the home of Mildred Jones. We gave our three pledges to the American, Christian and W.C.T.U. flags we sang "Go Ye Into All the World" Mildred Jones' devotions were from Romans XV and XVI. "I will be bold and talk through Jesus said Paul." We sent cards and letters and made several visits. The secretary's report was read and approved. We had a discussion about the state convention which will be held in Knoxville during the month of Oct. Nellie Lincoln gave her yearly treasurer's report. Nine dollars was taken in for birthdays during the year, she paid out $122.47 far dues, funds flowers and necessities. Balance on hand is $43.79. The treasurer's report was accepted Our thank offering of $10.00, in memory of Marie Thompson Faye Lynch and Grace Foster is to be taken to the state convention. We are to write to The Honorable John Kyl - House Office B'ld'g. Wash. D.C. 20515 and urge him to vote against the bill, H.R. 7785. Lesson was. 'Ahead to Victory - by Mable Morgan. Invite others into the W.C.T.U. Do what you do real well. Plan a campaign. Have young peopl work against liquor. Abstinenance should be taught in homes and schools. We paid our dues! Our meeting was concluded by a prayer. Delicious refreshments were served by our hostess Mildred Jones Sec. Carol I. Sammon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries