Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 429
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429 April 18, 1972 (4) the W.C.T.U. met in the home of Myrtle Bailey and Carol Sammon Eloise Keister our president opened the meeting by leading us in giving our Am., Christian and Temperance flag salutes Eloise had the devotions. The title was 'Christian Ideal in the Home!" Children provoke not your parents. Wrong doers will be punished Help one another! we repeated the song "Meet Christ in the morning." Fidelia German, Nellie Lincoln, Mildred Jones Myrtle Bailey, our president Eloise and I answered roll call. Seven cards and eight letters were sent. There were 17 calls The secretary's report was read and accepted. Nellie Lincoln our treasurer said that she had sent the Light Line package to India for Mrs. Ramer the missionary from Presbyterian Church She will get the package next fall when she and her family return to India from Grinnell. There is $48.00 in our treasury. It was moved, seconded and passed that we raise our quota from $3.00 to $5.00 for narcotic educ. This will be sent to our state treasurer Harriett McCollough. Miss Keister read a letter she wrote to the City Council to keep beer out of the By-Lo Grocery. I signed the letter and delivered it. It did no good, as the council gives the permission with no hesitation. I have a short report about "Liquor in Women" and Women in Liquor? Women are worse than men when they are drunk. Their rouge and mascara run all over their faces. The look awful and they are miserable. The collection was taken Mildred Jones invited us to her home for the May meeting. Eloise closed our meeting with a prayer. The two hostesses served cookies and tea Signed by secretary Carol Sammon
429 April 18, 1972 (4) the W.C.T.U. met in the home of Myrtle Bailey and Carol Sammon Eloise Keister our president opened the meeting by leading us in giving our Am., Christian and Temperance flag salutes Eloise had the devotions. The title was 'Christian Ideal in the Home!" Children provoke not your parents. Wrong doers will be punished Help one another! we repeated the song "Meet Christ in the morning." Fidelia German, Nellie Lincoln, Mildred Jones Myrtle Bailey, our president Eloise and I answered roll call. Seven cards and eight letters were sent. There were 17 calls The secretary's report was read and accepted. Nellie Lincoln our treasurer said that she had sent the Light Line package to India for Mrs. Ramer the missionary from Presbyterian Church She will get the package next fall when she and her family return to India from Grinnell. There is $48.00 in our treasury. It was moved, seconded and passed that we raise our quota from $3.00 to $5.00 for narcotic educ. This will be sent to our state treasurer Harriett McCollough. Miss Keister read a letter she wrote to the City Council to keep beer out of the By-Lo Grocery. I signed the letter and delivered it. It did no good, as the council gives the permission with no hesitation. I have a short report about "Liquor in Women" and Women in Liquor? Women are worse than men when they are drunk. Their rouge and mascara run all over their faces. The look awful and they are miserable. The collection was taken Mildred Jones invited us to her home for the May meeting. Eloise closed our meeting with a prayer. The two hostesses served cookies and tea Signed by secretary Carol Sammon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries