Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
Page 436
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436 Sept. 19, 1971 Our W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mildred Jones. We gave our pledges for the Am., Christian, and Temperance flags. Devotions by Mildred Jones, Prayer Our Greatest Source of Unused Power, from Matthew VIII. Know and you will receive. Knock and you will find. Prayers are the greatest medicine on earth and the greatest scientific discovery of mankind. A young man once used dope and L.S.D. He prayed and prayed on his knees and the Lord helped him. Hydro-chloric acid in our stomach ca cause ulcers. The reason our U.S. is becoming psycotic is - there isn't enough prayer. Mr. Alfred Nobel found the formula for dynamite after he prayed to God to put a mt. into the sea. Mr. Edison wanted God to stop the sun but God helped him invent the light bulb. Teach your children and grandchildren to have prayer each day and at their beds. Eloise Keister our president gave the report "Citizenship". She told about how groups of women work against crime Many cities are kept well lighted and crime goes down. A city or town should be kept neat and clean and there will be less crime. Visit your courts and talk to legislatures. Work with school administrators to cut down on "drop-out" Help in hospitals, Day Care Centers, manors and churches. We sent 20 cards and made 24 calls The treasurer reported $141.12 on hand Sept. 1972. The secretary's report was read & approved Old business now & 1. New business was dues paying time and discussing the trip to Sioux Center, Iowa for the state conv. A few of us would try to go. The offering was taken: we concluded our meeting with prayer. Dainty refreshments were served by our hostess. Pres. Eloise Keister Sec. Carol I. Sammon
436 Sept. 19, 1971 Our W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mildred Jones. We gave our pledges for the Am., Christian, and Temperance flags. Devotions by Mildred Jones, Prayer Our Greatest Source of Unused Power, from Matthew VIII. Know and you will receive. Knock and you will find. Prayers are the greatest medicine on earth and the greatest scientific discovery of mankind. A young man once used dope and L.S.D. He prayed and prayed on his knees and the Lord helped him. Hydro-chloric acid in our stomach ca cause ulcers. The reason our U.S. is becoming psycotic is - there isn't enough prayer. Mr. Alfred Nobel found the formula for dynamite after he prayed to God to put a mt. into the sea. Mr. Edison wanted God to stop the sun but God helped him invent the light bulb. Teach your children and grandchildren to have prayer each day and at their beds. Eloise Keister our president gave the report "Citizenship". She told about how groups of women work against crime Many cities are kept well lighted and crime goes down. A city or town should be kept neat and clean and there will be less crime. Visit your courts and talk to legislatures. Work with school administrators to cut down on "drop-out" Help in hospitals, Day Care Centers, manors and churches. We sent 20 cards and made 24 calls The treasurer reported $141.12 on hand Sept. 1972. The secretary's report was read & approved Old business now & 1. New business was dues paying time and discussing the trip to Sioux Center, Iowa for the state conv. A few of us would try to go. The offering was taken: we concluded our meeting with prayer. Dainty refreshments were served by our hostess. Pres. Eloise Keister Sec. Carol I. Sammon
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries