Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1913-1928
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Dec. 17 1973 The president opened our meeting with the pledges to our U.S. flag, Christian and Temperance flags. Lela Adams had charge of the devotions, tinsel, people and the birth of Jesus. We all sang "Silent Night." A question presented to us was: "Where do we get our Love?" "Is it from within? No! It is from God. He sent his son." Our next song was "Love Lifted Me." John III, 16 were the words we used in the second verse. We made 16 calls for Dec and sent 26 cards. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. We made out our programs for May and Aug. 1974 and Sept. 1974. Nellie will send in our dues to the state this mo. if possible. Some of our members have not paid their dues of $3.65. Eloise read the "Chrismas Story" The Black Madonna. Church of the Redeemer is where the painted window was to be. The artist thought that people were cruel and partial. He painted his wife and son. We concluded with the Lord's Prayer. Delicious refreshments were served by our hostess Fedilia German. Eloise Keister- Pres Carol I. Sammon - Sec. May 21, 1974 Our W.C.T.U. met at the home of Myrtle Bailey and Carol Sammon. Fedilia German, Vice Pres, opened our meeting with prayer and flag salutes to the U.S., Christian and Temp flags. Mrs. Mildred Harris had devotions. Fathers and mothers serve an important roll in the home by having Bible Worship. When Ralph W. Emerson bought his farm he didn't realize he had the beautiful music of the bob-o-link and the bluebirds. Rev. Myron Harris had prayer. Rev. Harris told us that "Wine is a [illegible] and strong drink is raging . We our states spend $31 billion annually for drinking, para mutual betting, gambling and tobacco. Many little children drink what's left in a liquor glass and it causes death. British people drink alcohol so much that by 1980 there will be a
Dec. 17 1973 The president opened our meeting with the pledges to our U.S. flag, Christian and Temperance flags. Lela Adams had charge of the devotions, tinsel, people and the birth of Jesus. We all sang "Silent Night." A question presented to us was: "Where do we get our Love?" "Is it from within? No! It is from God. He sent his son." Our next song was "Love Lifted Me." John III, 16 were the words we used in the second verse. We made 16 calls for Dec and sent 26 cards. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. We made out our programs for May and Aug. 1974 and Sept. 1974. Nellie will send in our dues to the state this mo. if possible. Some of our members have not paid their dues of $3.65. Eloise read the "Chrismas Story" The Black Madonna. Church of the Redeemer is where the painted window was to be. The artist thought that people were cruel and partial. He painted his wife and son. We concluded with the Lord's Prayer. Delicious refreshments were served by our hostess Fedilia German. Eloise Keister- Pres Carol I. Sammon - Sec. May 21, 1974 Our W.C.T.U. met at the home of Myrtle Bailey and Carol Sammon. Fedilia German, Vice Pres, opened our meeting with prayer and flag salutes to the U.S., Christian and Temp flags. Mrs. Mildred Harris had devotions. Fathers and mothers serve an important roll in the home by having Bible Worship. When Ralph W. Emerson bought his farm he didn't realize he had the beautiful music of the bob-o-link and the bluebirds. Rev. Myron Harris had prayer. Rev. Harris told us that "Wine is a [illegible] and strong drink is raging . We our states spend $31 billion annually for drinking, para mutual betting, gambling and tobacco. Many little children drink what's left in a liquor glass and it causes death. British people drink alcohol so much that by 1980 there will be a
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries