Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
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Nov. 18. 1913 The W.C.T.U. Met in the Cristian church Nov. 18. in absence of the Pres. Mrs. Stacks provided. Mrs. W. B. Wilson lead the devotional exercises. "God will Take Care of you" was sung. The scriputre lesson was the 1st chapter of 2nd Peter. [Name?] led in prayer while all stood. [Song Title?] was sung. A letter was read from Miss Lillian M. Grims, city librarian requesting that a program from which she would make bibliographt of all material in the library on each individual subject or that when any person desires to begin study, all the library has will be immediately accessible. It was voted to give her a note with thanks. It was voted to pay dues of 1.00 to the Civic League. Mrs. T.U. Lewis had charge of the program - "Onward March of Prohibition - A Thankful Service. Mrs. Lewis gave the history of prohibition from the time when dedications of churches and installations of ministers were celebrate with a cask of wine from which all were expected to drink, up to the time of the crusadors. Miss Ella Marsh gave the history of Prohibition from the time of the organization of the W.C.T.U. up to the present time when we are expecting National Probition and o not stop there but are looking forward to world wide prohibition. Rev. W.R. Lawrence Pastor of the Presbyterian church was president and was called on to speak and responded with some
Nov. 18. 1913 The W.C.T.U. Met in the Cristian church Nov. 18. in absence of the Pres. Mrs. Stacks provided. Mrs. W. B. Wilson lead the devotional exercises. "God will Take Care of you" was sung. The scriputre lesson was the 1st chapter of 2nd Peter. [Name?] led in prayer while all stood. [Song Title?] was sung. A letter was read from Miss Lillian M. Grims, city librarian requesting that a program from which she would make bibliographt of all material in the library on each individual subject or that when any person desires to begin study, all the library has will be immediately accessible. It was voted to give her a note with thanks. It was voted to pay dues of 1.00 to the Civic League. Mrs. T.U. Lewis had charge of the program - "Onward March of Prohibition - A Thankful Service. Mrs. Lewis gave the history of prohibition from the time when dedications of churches and installations of ministers were celebrate with a cask of wine from which all were expected to drink, up to the time of the crusadors. Miss Ella Marsh gave the history of Prohibition from the time of the organization of the W.C.T.U. up to the present time when we are expecting National Probition and o not stop there but are looking forward to world wide prohibition. Rev. W.R. Lawrence Pastor of the Presbyterian church was president and was called on to speak and responded with some
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries