Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
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August 15 1916 Grinnell W.C.T.U. met in a [long?] church with 16 present. After singing "Preserve the Perishing" Miss Ella Marsh read and commented on 1 John 4-15 and led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Anti-Cigarette Com was continued. Rest-tent Com. reported no new building this year, but brought a request from Sec. to submit a proposition in regard to taking charge of rest room on fair grounds. Com. on Fair Mrs. Wrage Mrs. Lord and Miss Buck. [Mrs. Linerhur?] read a letter from Mrs. Barnard appointing the last week in Aug. to organize the County. Mrs. L. invited the Union to meet at her house for a picnic on that day. Accepted. Sec. yearly repost read and approved. Mrs. Wallance. S. S. T. reported 2000 leaflets given out in G. Sunday Schools and vicinity on World's Temperance Sunday. 1700 Anti-Cigaret leaflets in June. Temperance material has been furnished the Y.P.S.C.E. and there have several good addresses made. Other departments were reported. $44 in the Treas. Program Com. reported. accepted. Officers elected Pres. Mrs. Lincoln Vice " Mrs. Brande Sec. Mrs. Stocks Asst. " Mrs. Lord Treas. Mrs. Waltance Dept. [Supts] Suffrage Mrs. Stocks Literature Mrs. Dayton Flower Mission Miss Clark [Sab. Ob.?] Mrs. Stoddard Sci. Temp. Miss Buck Purity & Ben House Mrs. Connely S.S. Temp. Mrs. Woods. Blessed with-paryer Mrs. Stocks sec.
August 15 1916 Grinnell W.C.T.U. met in a [long?] church with 16 present. After singing "Preserve the Perishing" Miss Ella Marsh read and commented on 1 John 4-15 and led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Anti-Cigarette Com was continued. Rest-tent Com. reported no new building this year, but brought a request from Sec. to submit a proposition in regard to taking charge of rest room on fair grounds. Com. on Fair Mrs. Wrage Mrs. Lord and Miss Buck. [Mrs. Linerhur?] read a letter from Mrs. Barnard appointing the last week in Aug. to organize the County. Mrs. L. invited the Union to meet at her house for a picnic on that day. Accepted. Sec. yearly repost read and approved. Mrs. Wallance. S. S. T. reported 2000 leaflets given out in G. Sunday Schools and vicinity on World's Temperance Sunday. 1700 Anti-Cigaret leaflets in June. Temperance material has been furnished the Y.P.S.C.E. and there have several good addresses made. Other departments were reported. $44 in the Treas. Program Com. reported. accepted. Officers elected Pres. Mrs. Lincoln Vice " Mrs. Brande Sec. Mrs. Stocks Asst. " Mrs. Lord Treas. Mrs. Waltance Dept. [Supts] Suffrage Mrs. Stocks Literature Mrs. Dayton Flower Mission Miss Clark [Sab. Ob.?] Mrs. Stoddard Sci. Temp. Miss Buck Purity & Ben House Mrs. Connely S.S. Temp. Mrs. Woods. Blessed with-paryer Mrs. Stocks sec.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries