Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
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Grinnell W.C.T.U. met in the Cong. Church on Sept. 17 (1918) with 15 members present - meeting opened by singing "Work for the night is coming", Mrs. Sotdard read the 37th Psl. and led in prayer. She told us the W.C.T.U. is a warefare against liquor but we shall not be afraid for we shall win - Mrs. Kearney ask to have Mrs. Lincoln retained as Pres. and Mrs. Kearney act as first vice Pres, carried - Mrs. Stodard reported on Press work she said the Press was not eager to publish our literature - the Treas. gave her report for the year as she was absent at the Annual meeting she report(ed) 44 paid members - President appointed delegates to State Convention to be held at Perry Iowa. - Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Kearny and Mrs. Wattard - Mrs. Socks suggested we Present Miss Willards picture to the new Davis school. Voted to get the Picture - Voted to send a thank offering of ten dollars to state convention Voted we make Mrs. Lincoln A life member - Programs committe recominded the use of the topical Programes for this year - Voted to give $5.00 to County work - Mrs. Kearney had the Programme "the work the Local and National Unions are doing" 20 thousand citys and towns have Unions - Mrs. Lincoln reported 15 pillows for the Hospital - Mrs. Stocke will secure Miss Willards picture for Davis school. Dismissed with the mispah. Ass. Sec.
Grinnell W.C.T.U. met in the Cong. Church on Sept. 17 (1918) with 15 members present - meeting opened by singing "Work for the night is coming", Mrs. Sotdard read the 37th Psl. and led in prayer. She told us the W.C.T.U. is a warefare against liquor but we shall not be afraid for we shall win - Mrs. Kearney ask to have Mrs. Lincoln retained as Pres. and Mrs. Kearney act as first vice Pres, carried - Mrs. Stodard reported on Press work she said the Press was not eager to publish our literature - the Treas. gave her report for the year as she was absent at the Annual meeting she report(ed) 44 paid members - President appointed delegates to State Convention to be held at Perry Iowa. - Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Kearny and Mrs. Wattard - Mrs. Socks suggested we Present Miss Willards picture to the new Davis school. Voted to get the Picture - Voted to send a thank offering of ten dollars to state convention Voted we make Mrs. Lincoln A life member - Programs committe recominded the use of the topical Programes for this year - Voted to give $5.00 to County work - Mrs. Kearney had the Programme "the work the Local and National Unions are doing" 20 thousand citys and towns have Unions - Mrs. Lincoln reported 15 pillows for the Hospital - Mrs. Stocke will secure Miss Willards picture for Davis school. Dismissed with the mispah. Ass. Sec.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries