Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
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March 21, 1922 meeting of the W.C.T.U. with Mrs. Isabella Brande on the nineteenth day. The president called the meeting in under Mrs. F. B. Cooper led the devotionals by reading the 46th Psalm revealing God's blessing and providence upon the faithful church. The Lord of (?) is with her. The god of Jacob is her refuge. Two songs were sung and prayers offered. See (?) was read and approved. The rest room was considered. The union forming the enterprise and means were considered in furnishing the same. The mayor had been interviewed and it seems quite evident that Grinnell will have a much needed rest room. It was (?) recorded and carried that the union assume the self (?) of the same. It was advised that the standing committee on the market day select their helpers. Mrs. Lav asked to what (?) (?) be spent for Sunday School literature. Mrs. Hurdburn (?) that we keeps expenses under $3.00 per order (?) and carried. The subject of Arbor Lake activities was mentioned by Miss Baily. The (?) disappearing that questionable announcements be added in this (?). It was advised that the president speak to the councilman in her (?) about the bill (?) providing that picture are not reviewed that are indecent. Our president read an interesting lector in reference to reading the bible
March 21, 1922 meeting of the W.C.T.U. with Mrs. Isabella Brande on the nineteenth day. The president called the meeting in under Mrs. F. B. Cooper led the devotionals by reading the 46th Psalm revealing God's blessing and providence upon the faithful church. The Lord of (?) is with her. The god of Jacob is her refuge. Two songs were sung and prayers offered. See (?) was read and approved. The rest room was considered. The union forming the enterprise and means were considered in furnishing the same. The mayor had been interviewed and it seems quite evident that Grinnell will have a much needed rest room. It was (?) recorded and carried that the union assume the self (?) of the same. It was advised that the standing committee on the market day select their helpers. Mrs. Lav asked to what (?) (?) be spent for Sunday School literature. Mrs. Hurdburn (?) that we keeps expenses under $3.00 per order (?) and carried. The subject of Arbor Lake activities was mentioned by Miss Baily. The (?) disappearing that questionable announcements be added in this (?). It was advised that the president speak to the councilman in her (?) about the bill (?) providing that picture are not reviewed that are indecent. Our president read an interesting lector in reference to reading the bible
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries