Woman's Christian Temperance Union minutes, Grinnell, Iowa, 1928-1976
Page 139
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and carried. An order for the same was issued. The meeting being a memorial of Francis Willard a paper of considerable interest was read by Mrs. McGuiss. Other members read clippings concerning her activities and achievments, due to her true devotion. Mrs. J.A. Kingsland had charge of the program and brought out many valuable prints of interest concerning the main features of the lesson. School matters were considered and a lady mentioned that was unanimously formed to support providing she would consider me a candidate for being a member of the school board. Meeting closed by repeating the Psalm. (Benediction) The March 20, 1923 meeting of the W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. S. A. Martin on Elm St. A goodly number was in attendance. Our devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Woodburn. She read the scripture after which prayers were offered making petitions for wisdom and strength to perform the duties of life with success as we are brought face to face with. Mrs. Watland (?) made a strong appeal for subscriptions of the Union Signal. The lesson being on this subject she brought out the value of the reading matter that this periodical contained. An interesting article read responsively by the leader and Mrs. Baker was read and Mrs Baker read a very interesting article of value concerning the early history of some of our valuable [makers?]. Ray [Hawr?] and others. Miss Rachel Richards played an in-
and carried. An order for the same was issued. The meeting being a memorial of Francis Willard a paper of considerable interest was read by Mrs. McGuiss. Other members read clippings concerning her activities and achievments, due to her true devotion. Mrs. J.A. Kingsland had charge of the program and brought out many valuable prints of interest concerning the main features of the lesson. School matters were considered and a lady mentioned that was unanimously formed to support providing she would consider me a candidate for being a member of the school board. Meeting closed by repeating the Psalm. (Benediction) The March 20, 1923 meeting of the W.C.T.U. met with Mrs. S. A. Martin on Elm St. A goodly number was in attendance. Our devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Woodburn. She read the scripture after which prayers were offered making petitions for wisdom and strength to perform the duties of life with success as we are brought face to face with. Mrs. Watland (?) made a strong appeal for subscriptions of the Union Signal. The lesson being on this subject she brought out the value of the reading matter that this periodical contained. An interesting article read responsively by the leader and Mrs. Baker was read and Mrs Baker read a very interesting article of value concerning the early history of some of our valuable [makers?]. Ray [Hawr?] and others. Miss Rachel Richards played an in-
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries