Denison Total Abstinence Union records, July 1878-June 1880
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Five Minutes Speeches A. B. Keith R. Shawlan Char. Phelps Chip Basllet. With musie the Union adjourned Chas R Meyers, Lee. Denison ? Jan 3 The Denison Total Abstinence Union met at the usual time and place. The President in the chair. The meeting opened with singing and prayer by the President. Miss Hottie Bond then came forward as substitute for her Mother, ? A. J. Bond, and repeated a selection of poetry. Miss Kittie King came next on the programme
Five Minutes Speeches A. B. Keith R. Shawlan Char. Phelps Chip Basllet. With musie the Union adjourned Chas R Meyers, Lee. Denison ? Jan 3 The Denison Total Abstinence Union met at the usual time and place. The President in the chair. The meeting opened with singing and prayer by the President. Miss Hottie Bond then came forward as substitute for her Mother, ? A. J. Bond, and repeated a selection of poetry. Miss Kittie King came next on the programme
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries