Charles Cady letters, 1862-1864
1862-08 Page 02
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I have just been called on for two men and a corperal as a permanent detale for the time being to go to the convalesent Hospital for guard duty, it was All turn, so I am left without a lieutenant this cold [missing - probably "day"] Sanders is in the pionier Corps [missing - probably "for"] the present so I have my tent to myself it will be like keeping house alone in a city but I guess I will get along and not get lonesome. You may have the elections returns before you get this however I will give them, we were out at black river on election day 11th Regt Stone 236 Tuttle 11 13th Regt Stone 191 Tuttle 40 15th Regt Stone 134 Tuttle 50 16th Regt Stone 191 Tuttle 19 our brigade back in old camp Stone 279 Tuttle 31 8th Iowa Stone 247 Tuttle 11 12th Iowa Stone 110 Tuttle 23 35th Iowa Stone 211 Tuttle 124 2d Battery Stone 31 Tuttle 7 4th Cavelry Stone 420 Tuttle 60
I have just been called on for two men and a corperal as a permanent detale for the time being to go to the convalesent Hospital for guard duty, it was All turn, so I am left without a lieutenant this cold [missing - probably "day"] Sanders is in the pionier Corps [missing - probably "for"] the present so I have my tent to myself it will be like keeping house alone in a city but I guess I will get along and not get lonesome. You may have the elections returns before you get this however I will give them, we were out at black river on election day 11th Regt Stone 236 Tuttle 11 13th Regt Stone 191 Tuttle 40 15th Regt Stone 134 Tuttle 50 16th Regt Stone 191 Tuttle 19 our brigade back in old camp Stone 279 Tuttle 31 8th Iowa Stone 247 Tuttle 11 12th Iowa Stone 110 Tuttle 23 35th Iowa Stone 211 Tuttle 124 2d Battery Stone 31 Tuttle 7 4th Cavelry Stone 420 Tuttle 60
Civil War Diaries and Letters