Charles Cady letters, 1862-1864
1862-08-17 Page 04
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would do, that is take their nigers and cotton hang the leaders and if that wont do drive the whole of them into the Oceon, The rebelion must be crushed and the sooner we do it the better, I supose that some of those loud talkers will enlist now that they se that they are actualy needed, If they dont what will be thought of their patriotism, This is the sabath our camp is as quiet as I ever saw it, Our Chaplin has just returned after an abcence of two months, we had devine service at eleven OcClock and there will be prayer meeting at half past six it was the first preaching we have had for ten weeks The boys all seem to be very well satisfied with Rogers for Lieut, I was elected to fill the vacancy occationed by the death of our fifth sergeant, it will entittle me to four dollers a month more than I have been getting, but I must close, write soon, tell Ebenezer to write from your absent son Charles Cady Mr Charls Cady the 5th Regt Co E Iowa Vol Hardanan Co Tenn
would do, that is take their nigers and cotton hang the leaders and if that wont do drive the whole of them into the Oceon, The rebelion must be crushed and the sooner we do it the better, I supose that some of those loud talkers will enlist now that they se that they are actualy needed, If they dont what will be thought of their patriotism, This is the sabath our camp is as quiet as I ever saw it, Our Chaplin has just returned after an abcence of two months, we had devine service at eleven OcClock and there will be prayer meeting at half past six it was the first preaching we have had for ten weeks The boys all seem to be very well satisfied with Rogers for Lieut, I was elected to fill the vacancy occationed by the death of our fifth sergeant, it will entittle me to four dollers a month more than I have been getting, but I must close, write soon, tell Ebenezer to write from your absent son Charles Cady Mr Charls Cady the 5th Regt Co E Iowa Vol Hardanan Co Tenn
Civil War Diaries and Letters