Charles Cady letters, 1862-1864
1864-07-11 Page 03
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the weekly of the 2d so you see we know something of what is going on in the north. I have seen Kellus Foster twice lately. he is fat as a pig. So is Dave Hunter. I think this southern clime must agree with them. I saw Bol Antrobus last night he is well. Since the first of this month our company have had one man killed. two have lost each a leg, one with a slight flesh wound in the leg, one slightly wounded in shoulder blade all of them are doing well, besides these two were slightly scratched This covers all losses in our co, the other co lost about the same. We are now within eight miles of Atlanta but it may take some time to reach the place, but there is no doubt but what it will be reached in due time. The country over which we have passed is covered with brush
the weekly of the 2d so you see we know something of what is going on in the north. I have seen Kellus Foster twice lately. he is fat as a pig. So is Dave Hunter. I think this southern clime must agree with them. I saw Bol Antrobus last night he is well. Since the first of this month our company have had one man killed. two have lost each a leg, one with a slight flesh wound in the leg, one slightly wounded in shoulder blade all of them are doing well, besides these two were slightly scratched This covers all losses in our co, the other co lost about the same. We are now within eight miles of Atlanta but it may take some time to reach the place, but there is no doubt but what it will be reached in due time. The country over which we have passed is covered with brush
Civil War Diaries and Letters