S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1880-03-14 Page 2
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Patterson out of the house he said he had nothing to do with him, & him and me for [that?]. I saw I was bound to have trouble & expence & delay, finally Dan said if I would pay Nute five dollars for his share of the Manure at the Barn he would go out. I paid Dan the five and told him he could do what he pleased with it. - So I got them out. I have paid your Tax, had 100 new fence posts deliverd on the place - Well old John Abersnath has moored away Fritz bought his 40 it is quite a relief that he has gone. We have had an un-usual Mild open winter, I see by the papers that the Indian reservation in South Kansas is to be opend out for settlers soon, from what people say about it in point of sail, timber water, climate &c is hard to beat. all well, write soon your Father &c S G Finney Ps we recd the news-paper you sent . Thanks.
Patterson out of the house he said he had nothing to do with him, & him and me for [that?]. I saw I was bound to have trouble & expence & delay, finally Dan said if I would pay Nute five dollars for his share of the Manure at the Barn he would go out. I paid Dan the five and told him he could do what he pleased with it. - So I got them out. I have paid your Tax, had 100 new fence posts deliverd on the place - Well old John Abersnath has moored away Fritz bought his 40 it is quite a relief that he has gone. We have had an un-usual Mild open winter, I see by the papers that the Indian reservation in South Kansas is to be opend out for settlers soon, from what people say about it in point of sail, timber water, climate &c is hard to beat. all well, write soon your Father &c S G Finney Ps we recd the news-paper you sent . Thanks.
Pioneer Lives