S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1883-07-08 Page 2
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you found the pasture good before you got out to your place. I thought all the time the weather was favorable for your stock being cool & wet. - The court adjourned over the 4th so I went down to Keokuk on half fair, it was the biggest day Keokuk ever saw, it was a grand affair, a large Baloon went up with a man in it. We could see him when he was away above the Clouds, a storm came up I he went down in Ill near Nauvoo. The weather is very seasonable here now crops are doing fine. we are now cutting our rye, we are very much hurried with our work. Bob Cox got home on the 4th, that big cow cherry had a calf it died. Polly had twin calves one of them died. - Sammy has got a gooddeal better and can now help us some, otherwise we are all well, write often about crops, stock, soil &c &c from your Father &c S G Finney
you found the pasture good before you got out to your place. I thought all the time the weather was favorable for your stock being cool & wet. - The court adjourned over the 4th so I went down to Keokuk on half fair, it was the biggest day Keokuk ever saw, it was a grand affair, a large Baloon went up with a man in it. We could see him when he was away above the Clouds, a storm came up I he went down in Ill near Nauvoo. The weather is very seasonable here now crops are doing fine. we are now cutting our rye, we are very much hurried with our work. Bob Cox got home on the 4th, that big cow cherry had a calf it died. Polly had twin calves one of them died. - Sammy has got a gooddeal better and can now help us some, otherwise we are all well, write often about crops, stock, soil &c &c from your Father &c S G Finney
Pioneer Lives