S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1883-07-22 Page 2
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but Judge Burton would not grant it, they then tryed to get him out on Bail, but faild in that. The people here are now organizeing a Vigilance [Com.? Court?] our stock has done very well this season, Rye & oats good corn fair, have cut and put up some hay. I Saw some of those Coal oil stoves they avertice, Lohen bought one, says he would not be without if for five times its Cost you should have one, it is the very thing for a Small family, your Mother has out up quite a lot of small fruit will send you some out. It was reported that Lide was to be married two weeks ago to day to a Sweed, such was not the case, she looks bad as though she was in Consumption. Louis writes us that Ed is marrid to a spanish Sinyoritta, and his working at [Wepon?] Makeing in New Mexico for 4$ per day and found old man Burton always Enquires after you old man [Prosser?] was sent to Insane Asylum yesterday must close for now, all well as usual from your Father &c S G Finney
but Judge Burton would not grant it, they then tryed to get him out on Bail, but faild in that. The people here are now organizeing a Vigilance [Com.? Court?] our stock has done very well this season, Rye & oats good corn fair, have cut and put up some hay. I Saw some of those Coal oil stoves they avertice, Lohen bought one, says he would not be without if for five times its Cost you should have one, it is the very thing for a Small family, your Mother has out up quite a lot of small fruit will send you some out. It was reported that Lide was to be married two weeks ago to day to a Sweed, such was not the case, she looks bad as though she was in Consumption. Louis writes us that Ed is marrid to a spanish Sinyoritta, and his working at [Wepon?] Makeing in New Mexico for 4$ per day and found old man Burton always Enquires after you old man [Prosser?] was sent to Insane Asylum yesterday must close for now, all well as usual from your Father &c S G Finney
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