S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1883-08-31 Page 2
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Inditements for Forgery. will be sentinced to state prison to morrow. old man Foster died about 10 days ago, he had been quite sick some two weeks before & got better so as to be around, he went to work in the Barn putting back hay, over done himself and died in two days afterwards. old man Burton all ways Enquires very particular after you, when I see him. It is thought here that Corn will sell for 30 c this fall, oats now is 20 c. We got a letter from Frank a few days ago, he says his prospect is good for a [sale?], and says he thinks it will Pan out 10000$ most to high a Mark. Now about the Cattle, dont see why you want to sell for, if your object is to Increase your herd. If you sell do you think of buying again?? Will say however the 4 head aught to bring 30$ for 120$ for the [fawn?]. If not I would keep them, the Increase will pay good Inst., is the Cattle all in good shape? but must close your Mother goes on a Visit next week to Muscateen will be gone about a week, and then will go out to Blair, and maybee to the Wilds of the Elk horn, all well from your Father &c SG Finney
Inditements for Forgery. will be sentinced to state prison to morrow. old man Foster died about 10 days ago, he had been quite sick some two weeks before & got better so as to be around, he went to work in the Barn putting back hay, over done himself and died in two days afterwards. old man Burton all ways Enquires very particular after you, when I see him. It is thought here that Corn will sell for 30 c this fall, oats now is 20 c. We got a letter from Frank a few days ago, he says his prospect is good for a [sale?], and says he thinks it will Pan out 10000$ most to high a Mark. Now about the Cattle, dont see why you want to sell for, if your object is to Increase your herd. If you sell do you think of buying again?? Will say however the 4 head aught to bring 30$ for 120$ for the [fawn?]. If not I would keep them, the Increase will pay good Inst., is the Cattle all in good shape? but must close your Mother goes on a Visit next week to Muscateen will be gone about a week, and then will go out to Blair, and maybee to the Wilds of the Elk horn, all well from your Father &c SG Finney
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