S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1883-10-25 Page 1
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Blakesburg Io Oct25 1883 Mr Geo S Finney I was in Ottumwa day before yesterday while there sent you Check for 100$ and wrote you a few lines hastely. 2 was sorry to learn you had met with such a scerious accident falling off the wagon 3 by the way we have Just recd word that Chas Howard who lives in Missouri was hauling a Load of lumber to build a new house, team run away and he was instantly killed, and no one saw it when it was done. 4 just recd a letter from Frank dated at Chico, Montana he writes he had Just got back from Livingston, had bought
Blakesburg Io Oct25 1883 Mr Geo S Finney I was in Ottumwa day before yesterday while there sent you Check for 100$ and wrote you a few lines hastely. 2 was sorry to learn you had met with such a scerious accident falling off the wagon 3 by the way we have Just recd word that Chas Howard who lives in Missouri was hauling a Load of lumber to build a new house, team run away and he was instantly killed, and no one saw it when it was done. 4 just recd a letter from Frank dated at Chico, Montana he writes he had Just got back from Livingston, had bought
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