S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1883-11-04 Page 2
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offerd Bill Anderson 25$ if he would shute in to Fosters house then go and take one of Fosters best horses and Conceal him in the woods where no one could find him, then Foster would offer a big reword and then A was to work up the [Care?] as a detective, get the reword & have the [Cred?] of working it out, get the horse but not the one who done the Job, We know this to be true. I saw in the papers some time ago that the Oto reserve Land was Val. @ 2.25 & 3.50 and when they sold the Land. It went for 18$ per a. the way of it was this speculators took in a lot of hired men to bid off 160 acres Each and then the land had to be settled for in 30 days these fellows would all absent themselves and the [sharpers?] we are on hand with the money and took it at the apprasement your Father &c S G Finney
offerd Bill Anderson 25$ if he would shute in to Fosters house then go and take one of Fosters best horses and Conceal him in the woods where no one could find him, then Foster would offer a big reword and then A was to work up the [Care?] as a detective, get the reword & have the [Cred?] of working it out, get the horse but not the one who done the Job, We know this to be true. I saw in the papers some time ago that the Oto reserve Land was Val. @ 2.25 & 3.50 and when they sold the Land. It went for 18$ per a. the way of it was this speculators took in a lot of hired men to bid off 160 acres Each and then the land had to be settled for in 30 days these fellows would all absent themselves and the [sharpers?] we are on hand with the money and took it at the apprasement your Father &c S G Finney
Pioneer Lives