S. G. Finney letters to his son George, 1880-1886
1885-08-13 Page 1
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Blakesbur Ia aug 13th 1885 Mr Geo. S Finney your letter of the 6th Inst came to hand by yesterdays mail 12th, I wrote you last sunday, and sent you some papers. I have thought strange that I was not getting any word from you. We are sorry for your misfortune, no doubt but you have sufferd a good deal with your hand. I was in hopes you and Browns family would keep on good terms. so they would help you in case of a pinch. Enclosed with this I send you Franks letter, the last one recd. you can see what he thinks
Blakesbur Ia aug 13th 1885 Mr Geo. S Finney your letter of the 6th Inst came to hand by yesterdays mail 12th, I wrote you last sunday, and sent you some papers. I have thought strange that I was not getting any word from you. We are sorry for your misfortune, no doubt but you have sufferd a good deal with your hand. I was in hopes you and Browns family would keep on good terms. so they would help you in case of a pinch. Enclosed with this I send you Franks letter, the last one recd. you can see what he thinks
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