League of Women Voters minutes, 1920-1925
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signal privilege of American Citizenship. Thursday P.M. First Vice-President not being present Mrs Passig was asked to preside. Called on for report of Dr. Rust, State Chairman of Social Hygiene, not present. In her absence Miss Bess Fenton was called upon for report on Uniforms laws of which committee she is State chairman. In connection with her written report she gave an interesting talk on the adoption laws - Anyone can adopt a child who is competent to make a will, almost any one can make a will. The worse criminal can adopt a child, how many children are lost to good citizenship just because they are not put in proper homes. She asked that the women bring pressure to bear on the next Legislature to see that there had to be some kind of an investigation of these homes where our little children are going. People adopting children should know their history. Miss Fenton move that her report be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Resolution committee asked to take note of adoption law in their resolutions. Mrs Hunter again submitted the Constitution as revised by Mr Millard on request of the Committee on Constitution. Miss Knowles, State Chairman on Living Costs was not present and sent no report. In the absence of Mrs. Homer A Miller, Mrs Fred Hunter submitted the report of the Suffrage Memorial Committee. Mrs. Mayer made the following motion; Whereas the Iowa League of Women Voters recognize and duly endorse the separation of this commission from the League of Women Voters, that the League of Wome Voters make and initial gift of $100. to the Suffrage Memorial
signal privilege of American Citizenship. Thursday P.M. First Vice-President not being present Mrs Passig was asked to preside. Called on for report of Dr. Rust, State Chairman of Social Hygiene, not present. In her absence Miss Bess Fenton was called upon for report on Uniforms laws of which committee she is State chairman. In connection with her written report she gave an interesting talk on the adoption laws - Anyone can adopt a child who is competent to make a will, almost any one can make a will. The worse criminal can adopt a child, how many children are lost to good citizenship just because they are not put in proper homes. She asked that the women bring pressure to bear on the next Legislature to see that there had to be some kind of an investigation of these homes where our little children are going. People adopting children should know their history. Miss Fenton move that her report be accepted and placed on file. Carried. Resolution committee asked to take note of adoption law in their resolutions. Mrs Hunter again submitted the Constitution as revised by Mr Millard on request of the Committee on Constitution. Miss Knowles, State Chairman on Living Costs was not present and sent no report. In the absence of Mrs. Homer A Miller, Mrs Fred Hunter submitted the report of the Suffrage Memorial Committee. Mrs. Mayer made the following motion; Whereas the Iowa League of Women Voters recognize and duly endorse the separation of this commission from the League of Women Voters, that the League of Wome Voters make and initial gift of $100. to the Suffrage Memorial
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries