League of Women Voters minutes, 1920-1925
Page 57
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Associations. Seconded and carried. Mr Miles, Editor of the Legionaire talked to us on the State Bonus Law. He thought women would go 90% in favor of the Bonus Law. Thousands of boys did not get their jobs back. One place to vote on this plank and that is yes. We believe that we are entitled to justice in 1922 as we were in justice in 1918. Every voting precinct in Iowa expects to have a man in uniform and civilian on the outside, & service man on the election board. Mrs Pierce moved that the League of Women Voters go on record and endorsing the Iowa Soldier's Bonus Bill. Motion seconded, carried. Mrs Passig urged our League to endorse the Soldier's Bonus Bill in the November election. Miss Dunlap reported for the Anna Howard Shaw Memorial - Iowa was asked to raise $5000. and has raised $1200; a very good showing or percentage compared with other states. Endowments left in wills in the next 10 years will make the money come in. Fund is open for gifts. Had directed their work to the Iowa Suffrage Memorial with the hope that the whole fund will be raised in time. Mrs Pierce gave a report on work done at State Fair Grounds, expense etc. Wrote every candidate to be in attendance and talk over plans. Mrs Mayer and Mrs Van Alstine helped at the tent, Polk County women also helped. Candidates were very much interested in the Sheppard Towner Bill. Mrs Pierce talked on finances, expense of Headquarters etc. Mrs Dichey made a motion that the League put an organizer in the [illegible]
Associations. Seconded and carried. Mr Miles, Editor of the Legionaire talked to us on the State Bonus Law. He thought women would go 90% in favor of the Bonus Law. Thousands of boys did not get their jobs back. One place to vote on this plank and that is yes. We believe that we are entitled to justice in 1922 as we were in justice in 1918. Every voting precinct in Iowa expects to have a man in uniform and civilian on the outside, & service man on the election board. Mrs Pierce moved that the League of Women Voters go on record and endorsing the Iowa Soldier's Bonus Bill. Motion seconded, carried. Mrs Passig urged our League to endorse the Soldier's Bonus Bill in the November election. Miss Dunlap reported for the Anna Howard Shaw Memorial - Iowa was asked to raise $5000. and has raised $1200; a very good showing or percentage compared with other states. Endowments left in wills in the next 10 years will make the money come in. Fund is open for gifts. Had directed their work to the Iowa Suffrage Memorial with the hope that the whole fund will be raised in time. Mrs Pierce gave a report on work done at State Fair Grounds, expense etc. Wrote every candidate to be in attendance and talk over plans. Mrs Mayer and Mrs Van Alstine helped at the tent, Polk County women also helped. Candidates were very much interested in the Sheppard Towner Bill. Mrs Pierce talked on finances, expense of Headquarters etc. Mrs Dichey made a motion that the League put an organizer in the [illegible]
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries