Eve Drewelowe travel correspondence, 1928-1929
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however, for there is great danger of sunstroke. Our accommodations in India as a whole have been rotten and the food not so good. On our way southward, however, from Bombay to Colombo, we expect to fare still worse, for we shall have to eat wherever we can and whatever we can. And food is a problem here - danger from disease is acute; and water is even worse! We had to pay .57 the other day for a quart of bottled water - can't take any other unless it has been boiled. Hope that you are all fine at home - wish we were with you too. Its nice to have gone through India - its tremendously interesting but you couldn't pay me to do it again. The discomfort and the unpleasantness more than counterbalances the pleasure. Please don't give up writing. We both need stimulant from home to keep us going -- and lots of it at every front. Love and kisses, Van and Eve. We shall mail this in Bombay tomorrow. We arrive about eight, I am told. Wish we were that near Colombo where we set sail for Egypt. - or better still, that near New York. E.V.E.
however, for there is great danger of sunstroke. Our accommodations in India as a whole have been rotten and the food not so good. On our way southward, however, from Bombay to Colombo, we expect to fare still worse, for we shall have to eat wherever we can and whatever we can. And food is a problem here - danger from disease is acute; and water is even worse! We had to pay .57 the other day for a quart of bottled water - can't take any other unless it has been boiled. Hope that you are all fine at home - wish we were with you too. Its nice to have gone through India - its tremendously interesting but you couldn't pay me to do it again. The discomfort and the unpleasantness more than counterbalances the pleasure. Please don't give up writing. We both need stimulant from home to keep us going -- and lots of it at every front. Love and kisses, Van and Eve. We shall mail this in Bombay tomorrow. We arrive about eight, I am told. Wish we were that near Colombo where we set sail for Egypt. - or better still, that near New York. E.V.E.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries