Eve Drewelowe travel correspondence, 1928-1929
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France & Choiseul Adresse telegraphique Francheul-Paris Registre du Commerce Seine 58057 Hotel de France & Choiseule 239-241, Rue St. Honore (Place Vendome) Tel. Central 41-92 3. ago. And not knowing of his death Van wrote him a long letter from Geneva not more than two weeks ago. This all goes to show what can happen without us knowing what is going on. The University won't be the same and we have lost a true friend in Dean Hallems. It was he who interested Van in applying for the Kahn fellowship and he, I think, who was in part responsible for pushing it through. But it is a sad world! We haven't met Mr Kahn yet and haven't let him know that we have "arrived." In the meantime I am getting some new clothes, but what a time! Pariesians shop differently from what we do at home. Yes I want a coat but the selection in each shop numbers not more than a dozen, but if I am wiling to wait a week or two they can make one for me. When it is finished it probably won't have a lining and if I buy it, it won't keep me warm on a July day. So I suppose, I'll
France & Choiseul Adresse telegraphique Francheul-Paris Registre du Commerce Seine 58057 Hotel de France & Choiseule 239-241, Rue St. Honore (Place Vendome) Tel. Central 41-92 3. ago. And not knowing of his death Van wrote him a long letter from Geneva not more than two weeks ago. This all goes to show what can happen without us knowing what is going on. The University won't be the same and we have lost a true friend in Dean Hallems. It was he who interested Van in applying for the Kahn fellowship and he, I think, who was in part responsible for pushing it through. But it is a sad world! We haven't met Mr Kahn yet and haven't let him know that we have "arrived." In the meantime I am getting some new clothes, but what a time! Pariesians shop differently from what we do at home. Yes I want a coat but the selection in each shop numbers not more than a dozen, but if I am wiling to wait a week or two they can make one for me. When it is finished it probably won't have a lining and if I buy it, it won't keep me warm on a July day. So I suppose, I'll
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries