Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-04-20 Page 1
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Mon p.m. 4/20/1942 Dearest: How changed my life is! How much more meaning and purpose has come to my existence already since the hope and promise you have given me. You are my one firm fact in a shifting, uncertain world. On and around you alone do I build the future. I find myself wandering down side-paths of thought. I wonder if you like grapefruit for breakfast. I recall with glowing pride how you breathed life into that convention. I understand your church and know that we see it through the same eyes. And then I think we must have a lilac hedge because you'd love it and what fun we'd have putting out magazines.
Mon p.m. 4/20/1942 Dearest: How changed my life is! How much more meaning and purpose has come to my existence already since the hope and promise you have given me. You are my one firm fact in a shifting, uncertain world. On and around you alone do I build the future. I find myself wandering down side-paths of thought. I wonder if you like grapefruit for breakfast. I recall with glowing pride how you breathed life into that convention. I understand your church and know that we see it through the same eyes. And then I think we must have a lilac hedge because you'd love it and what fun we'd have putting out magazines.
World War II Diaries and Letters