Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-04-26 Page 4
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-4- academic interest I should like to know how old you are. Probably find out when we get the license anyway. But whatever the difference in our ages it can't matter in the least. We were made for each other. I will never see another girl with whom I should be so happy to spend the rest of my life as with you. I can't let you get away from me. You may be a clinging vine, but I've seen vines which have strengthened and supported that to which they clung; so shall you do to me. As you remark "we are just engaged to be engaged." Can't we move up a step and be engaged. Will you accept a token ring for engagement
-4- academic interest I should like to know how old you are. Probably find out when we get the license anyway. But whatever the difference in our ages it can't matter in the least. We were made for each other. I will never see another girl with whom I should be so happy to spend the rest of my life as with you. I can't let you get away from me. You may be a clinging vine, but I've seen vines which have strengthened and supported that to which they clung; so shall you do to me. As you remark "we are just engaged to be engaged." Can't we move up a step and be engaged. Will you accept a token ring for engagement
World War II Diaries and Letters