Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-06-29 Page 6 #3
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If you've ever noticed me in art galleries, I run my hands along the curve of vases, caress the line of a statue, press my hands against old furniture or run my fingers along fabrics. I like to smell things, too, but touching is almost an obsession with me. Did you notice how I kept touching you? I seemed to want to know you by touch - and I discovered that I like to be touched, too. I think it's because the world seems a lonely, empty place and there's communion in the touch of the one we love. That strong - but very innocent - impulse of mine nearly got me into a distressing situation last
If you've ever noticed me in art galleries, I run my hands along the curve of vases, caress the line of a statue, press my hands against old furniture or run my fingers along fabrics. I like to smell things, too, but touching is almost an obsession with me. Did you notice how I kept touching you? I seemed to want to know you by touch - and I discovered that I like to be touched, too. I think it's because the world seems a lonely, empty place and there's communion in the touch of the one we love. That strong - but very innocent - impulse of mine nearly got me into a distressing situation last
World War II Diaries and Letters