Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-06-08 Page 1
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6/8/42 Mon. morning Dearest: Just a quickie to tell you that a bigger letter will follow tonight. Got your letters when I came home last night. Am making in the way you suggested a floor plan and furniture plan on squared paper. Uncle John is still very ill. He goes to the hospital today for x-rays. Love, B.J.
6/8/42 Mon. morning Dearest: Just a quickie to tell you that a bigger letter will follow tonight. Got your letters when I came home last night. Am making in the way you suggested a floor plan and furniture plan on squared paper. Uncle John is still very ill. He goes to the hospital today for x-rays. Love, B.J.
World War II Diaries and Letters