Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-07-05 Page 6 #2
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matter is that I don't know as much about life as you - for all your inexperience. I was too innocent - ignorant, is the word - to be able to analyze my impulses. But In thinking back over how I felt I believe I need not feel ashamed. I mean I liked touching you (would that be considered "petting", I wonder?) but I can't recall that I had any strong sexual impulse. It seemed more like petting a child I loved except I thought, (without words, of course) "I belong to him and he belongs to me. Isn't it nice and comforting?" I do know I clung to you more than I would have ordinarily, because of that imminent sense of separation; (I was interrupted and forget what I meant to say.)/Wednesday- I believe you lied to me - unconscious-
matter is that I don't know as much about life as you - for all your inexperience. I was too innocent - ignorant, is the word - to be able to analyze my impulses. But In thinking back over how I felt I believe I need not feel ashamed. I mean I liked touching you (would that be considered "petting", I wonder?) but I can't recall that I had any strong sexual impulse. It seemed more like petting a child I loved except I thought, (without words, of course) "I belong to him and he belongs to me. Isn't it nice and comforting?" I do know I clung to you more than I would have ordinarily, because of that imminent sense of separation; (I was interrupted and forget what I meant to say.)/Wednesday- I believe you lied to me - unconscious-
World War II Diaries and Letters