Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-07-01 Page 5 #5
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brought it on myself isn't the slightest consolation. Friday I've written you reams in these little booklets this week because I felt so sure I'd be hearing from you and I'd send these to you so you'd know you'd been in my heart and mind all week. But here it is Friday and still no mail. It's been a draggy unhappy week and by turns I've felt all the emotions a high strung person of my temperament can experience. And now I realize you'll likely never see all I've written to you. The worst - and perhaps the
brought it on myself isn't the slightest consolation. Friday I've written you reams in these little booklets this week because I felt so sure I'd be hearing from you and I'd send these to you so you'd know you'd been in my heart and mind all week. But here it is Friday and still no mail. It's been a draggy unhappy week and by turns I've felt all the emotions a high strung person of my temperament can experience. And now I realize you'll likely never see all I've written to you. The worst - and perhaps the
World War II Diaries and Letters