Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-07-01 Page 7 #5
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life. In the past when I was thru with him forever he managed to fall sick and my loyalty would not let me desert him. Now he has found life too intolerable to be borne. He means to commit suicide. People who proclaim it, never do, I keep telling myself. But he begs for daily letters and if I withheld them and he did, I'd feel guilty. But all I want is for him to let me alone; I've developed immunity to his charm. But not, unfortunately, to humanity. If only he would fall in love with someone else! Still it's tremendously flattering to my ego to have such a Don Juan enchained by (his phrase) my "character and sheer personality."
life. In the past when I was thru with him forever he managed to fall sick and my loyalty would not let me desert him. Now he has found life too intolerable to be borne. He means to commit suicide. People who proclaim it, never do, I keep telling myself. But he begs for daily letters and if I withheld them and he did, I'd feel guilty. But all I want is for him to let me alone; I've developed immunity to his charm. But not, unfortunately, to humanity. If only he would fall in love with someone else! Still it's tremendously flattering to my ego to have such a Don Juan enchained by (his phrase) my "character and sheer personality."
World War II Diaries and Letters