Burton Jay Smith and Willametta Turnepseed letters, April -August, 1942
1942-08-13 Page 2
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2 the money for; or some fairly disagreeable task he's braced himself to do only to discover she's taken care of it. I never looked at it that way before but somehow those things seem inviting - small domestic adventures. XX - XX Sometimes you amaze me with your insight and grasp of things. Of course, I'm glad that you have the advantage of me because my sense of the fitness of things demands it; but certainly you aren't going to be at any disadvantage by being younger. You are just the balance wheel I need. And do you know - I think I'm bringing to our partnership a measure of impulsiveness and impetuousity which you need to keep from going stody too soon. I have an idea that at times I may
2 the money for; or some fairly disagreeable task he's braced himself to do only to discover she's taken care of it. I never looked at it that way before but somehow those things seem inviting - small domestic adventures. XX - XX Sometimes you amaze me with your insight and grasp of things. Of course, I'm glad that you have the advantage of me because my sense of the fitness of things demands it; but certainly you aren't going to be at any disadvantage by being younger. You are just the balance wheel I need. And do you know - I think I'm bringing to our partnership a measure of impulsiveness and impetuousity which you need to keep from going stody too soon. I have an idea that at times I may
World War II Diaries and Letters