Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1920
1920-03-07 -- 1920-03-13
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March, 1920 Sun. 7 12° -; 17°; 10°: Fair, N.W. All three at church, morn., meeting in main room. Mon. 8 19°; 33°; Charlotte in bed with a cold Very busy. Ins. [afer?] Evg. 9:30 Tues. 9 20°, 42°, Fair, S. Ch. still in bed all day. Busy: office evg. Church [pm?] Wed. 10 30° to 44°, 38°. Fair morn; clouded. S.E. Fog evg.- Took down office stove-pipe a.m. - office evg. 10 o'c Charlotte sat up some. Thurs. 11 38° to 48°; S.E. Fog heavy. and rain considerable; some thunder a.m. - C. sitting up more. C.H. soon after 8 a.m. & home to supper & stay, 7 P.M. Fri. 12 25° N. wind, Walks very icy. & a little frozen rain & snow on 31° max. Fair p.m. Abs. work 8:30 to 7:15. & noon lunch downtown Home later to supper Sat. 13 12°to 33° & 32 avg. Fair N. to westerly. Busy as usual & office evg 9:15 C.has had old [affliction?] and H. has a cold.
March, 1920 Sun. 7 12° -; 17°; 10°: Fair, N.W. All three at church, morn., meeting in main room. Mon. 8 19°; 33°; Charlotte in bed with a cold Very busy. Ins. [afer?] Evg. 9:30 Tues. 9 20°, 42°, Fair, S. Ch. still in bed all day. Busy: office evg. Church [pm?] Wed. 10 30° to 44°, 38°. Fair morn; clouded. S.E. Fog evg.- Took down office stove-pipe a.m. - office evg. 10 o'c Charlotte sat up some. Thurs. 11 38° to 48°; S.E. Fog heavy. and rain considerable; some thunder a.m. - C. sitting up more. C.H. soon after 8 a.m. & home to supper & stay, 7 P.M. Fri. 12 25° N. wind, Walks very icy. & a little frozen rain & snow on 31° max. Fair p.m. Abs. work 8:30 to 7:15. & noon lunch downtown Home later to supper Sat. 13 12°to 33° & 32 avg. Fair N. to westerly. Busy as usual & office evg 9:15 C.has had old [affliction?] and H. has a cold.
Pioneer Lives