Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1920
1920-03-28 -- 1920-04-03
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Mar. - Apr., 1920 Sun. 28 50° S.E. wind, Rainy. H. & I at church, morn. Tornado at Elgin, Ill, et al. about noon. Mon. 29 23 to 43 or so. Fair N.W. Office evg. till 10+. Tues. 30 Fine day; 32° to 62° N.W. to S. Plumber put in cellar trap. Office evg. Dug Parsnips only a few - small & hard Wed. 31 Fair. 70° SW. S. Shifty winds. Office evg. Thurs. 1 April 50 to 63°, S & Thunder shower morn. Fair P.M. N.W. Court House all day. Office evg. accts. H. has severe cold. Fri. 2 About 20° all day, and very windy stormy N.W. to S.W. and driving snow storm. Noon lunch down town and home 6:30 to stay. Wt. 106 1/2 - 5/12 = 101. Sat. 3 10 or 12° to 30°. partly fair. N. wind. (or N.E) and inch or more snow on, and mostly staid. C.H. till 3 p.m. & office evg.
Mar. - Apr., 1920 Sun. 28 50° S.E. wind, Rainy. H. & I at church, morn. Tornado at Elgin, Ill, et al. about noon. Mon. 29 23 to 43 or so. Fair N.W. Office evg. till 10+. Tues. 30 Fine day; 32° to 62° N.W. to S. Plumber put in cellar trap. Office evg. Dug Parsnips only a few - small & hard Wed. 31 Fair. 70° SW. S. Shifty winds. Office evg. Thurs. 1 April 50 to 63°, S & Thunder shower morn. Fair P.M. N.W. Court House all day. Office evg. accts. H. has severe cold. Fri. 2 About 20° all day, and very windy stormy N.W. to S.W. and driving snow storm. Noon lunch down town and home 6:30 to stay. Wt. 106 1/2 - 5/12 = 101. Sat. 3 10 or 12° to 30°. partly fair. N. wind. (or N.E) and inch or more snow on, and mostly staid. C.H. till 3 p.m. & office evg.
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