Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1920
1920-07-18 -- 1920-07-24
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July, 1920 Sun. 18 Shower in night, fair & cool to-day, N. wind 76° Kept from S.S. by ill spell. (Clara visited at Oak Park I writes.). (An evg. service at [one d.?] not out Glorious weather. Mon. 19 Fair. S. Easterly 60 to 78. Abs. all day & evg. Tues. 20 Fair, (shower a.m.) S.E. 80 abs. all day & accts. evg. Wed. 21 Fair. S.E. gtle. 86° Abst most of time, but not very well. Thurs. 22 Fair, S.E. gtle 81 or 2. Abst. & general. Sprinkle a.m. Church Lawn ice cream evg. regular band concert night. Fri. 23 Fair. S.W. wind, nearly 90°. Abstracting. wrote cousin clara [J.?] evg. Sat. 24 Beautiful day. almost clear after cloudy morn. N. 78° Abs. all day & evg.
July, 1920 Sun. 18 Shower in night, fair & cool to-day, N. wind 76° Kept from S.S. by ill spell. (Clara visited at Oak Park I writes.). (An evg. service at [one d.?] not out Glorious weather. Mon. 19 Fair. S. Easterly 60 to 78. Abs. all day & evg. Tues. 20 Fair, (shower a.m.) S.E. 80 abs. all day & accts. evg. Wed. 21 Fair. S.E. gtle. 86° Abst most of time, but not very well. Thurs. 22 Fair, S.E. gtle 81 or 2. Abst. & general. Sprinkle a.m. Church Lawn ice cream evg. regular band concert night. Fri. 23 Fair. S.W. wind, nearly 90°. Abstracting. wrote cousin clara [J.?] evg. Sat. 24 Beautiful day. almost clear after cloudy morn. N. 78° Abs. all day & evg.
Pioneer Lives