Ellery Moses Hancock diary, 1920
1920-09-12 -- 1920-09-18
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September, 1920 Sun. 12 Fair, N.W., 75°. At Methodist service in our church, morn. [illegible] Mon. 13 Part fair, S. Easterly 76° no business. Mowed before supper. Tues. 14 Fair, S. wind, 84°A little abstracting work. Moved a little. Picked a few clusters ripe Worden grapes vines well filled. The other varieties killed [back?] last winter. Wed. 15 clear all day; N.W. 79°.At county fair P.M. Cleaned stove-pipe morn. Thurs.16 52° to 76°; clear, N.W. gtle. Perfect day for Co. Fair. H. & I there all P.M. - C. went A.M. speech by Nate Kendall, candidate for Governor. Fri. 17 54° to 79° Fair, S. wind. At funeral Mrs. Newall, a.m. and of W.C. Wilkinson 4:30 P.M. at fair 1 1/2 hr. p.m. Sat. 18 Fair, S. 83° Gathered onions and dug 1/2 [illegible] Green Mtn. potatoes a.m.; & picked them up before supper. A little abs. work.
September, 1920 Sun. 12 Fair, N.W., 75°. At Methodist service in our church, morn. [illegible] Mon. 13 Part fair, S. Easterly 76° no business. Mowed before supper. Tues. 14 Fair, S. wind, 84°A little abstracting work. Moved a little. Picked a few clusters ripe Worden grapes vines well filled. The other varieties killed [back?] last winter. Wed. 15 clear all day; N.W. 79°.At county fair P.M. Cleaned stove-pipe morn. Thurs.16 52° to 76°; clear, N.W. gtle. Perfect day for Co. Fair. H. & I there all P.M. - C. went A.M. speech by Nate Kendall, candidate for Governor. Fri. 17 54° to 79° Fair, S. wind. At funeral Mrs. Newall, a.m. and of W.C. Wilkinson 4:30 P.M. at fair 1 1/2 hr. p.m. Sat. 18 Fair, S. 83° Gathered onions and dug 1/2 [illegible] Green Mtn. potatoes a.m.; & picked them up before supper. A little abs. work.
Pioneer Lives